Where Are You, Devon?


It was too much to take in. I was shocked, hurt, flabbergasted, scared and mostly angry. I couldn't help but think about the other three people in that room who had lived through all those disturbances for most of their lives.

If the truth was so hurtful for me, then what they must be feeling then?

"Why Julianne? Why did you do all of this?" Madison whispered while her husband remained immovable beside her.

Aunt Julianne glared at her husband, her body visibly shaking in anger.

"Yes! Yes, I did all of that! And I have no regrets!!" She screeched, scaring the shit out of me.

"Mom! Please control yourself. Don't say more." Mason said in a panic.

"You knew all this?" I asked in disbelief.

He didn't answer, but the way he avoided meeting my eyes gave me the answer.

"I did all of that for my son! For myself! And for YOU, Victor!" Tears streamed down her face as she continued with red cheeks and a nose.

"I love Joseph very much!"