Why I Am Not Surprised To See You Here?!


"Oh god! Yesterday's rain has caused so much trouble for everyone." Frida complained to her neighbour Mrs Beans as they crossed paths with each other.

"Yes, my husband was stuck in his office for hours and then in the traffic. Only he knows how he got home last night."

After chatting for a while, Frida looked down at Bobby, her son. "Mrs Beans, I am going for shopping in the market. If the weather remains cruel like this then we should have some groceries stocked in the kitchens."

Her neighbour frowned. "Frida then why didn't you go early? It's already evening and you will run late to come back."

Frida sighed. "Bobby didn't feel well in the morning. I think he must have caught on cold after the last chilly night.

I thought of leaving him with you but then remembered seeing Mr Beans coming back late in the night. I didn't want to bother you with an unwell child."

Mrs Beans' face softened. How considerate and kind this woman is, she thought.