Not So Fast, Victor Sanders!


I stared at the blank screen of my phone for a second longer before lifting my gaze up to meet two pairs of similar grey eyes mirroring the same uncertainty as mine.

Victor silently reached for his phone in his pocket and placed it in my hands. Devon watched his father before following his steps.

Holding three phones in my hands, I stepped out of the car. Walking to the bushes around, I tossed our phones there. The moment three devices left my skin, I realised that we had lost our only means of communication and asking for help.

Nobody would be able to find us now.

Inhaling a long drag of air, I tightened my jacket around me before getting back into the car. None of us said anything as Devon began driving in silence.

We followed the instructions given by that kidnapper and indeed about twenty minutes later we reached our destination.

Though we didn't know what to expect there, we had certainly not expected an old, abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.