Mumma Harper Must Be Waiting For You


I was listening to Hannah blabber gibberish about my mother in silence, but I was only holding back the bitter truth, which even she didn't know.


Because I wanted to save Victor Sanders' face in front of his son.

I couldn't believe it! I was trying to protect the real culprit of that catastrophe.

"You killed all those people didn't you? And Mr Rodriguez too?" Devon asked.

Hannah played with the end of her ponytail with a smile that could be mistaken for an innocent one.

"Of course I did! I came out of jail a few years back. As soon as I stepped my foot out of that hell, I began preparations to chalk out my plan.

This time I wasn't going to repeat the same mistake again. This time I wasn't going to leave any proof behind. So, I needed to pick my targets carefully. I planned their killings in great detail.

You can't imagine how much effort it took me. Especially the conotoxin ones. Wasn't that a great idea?!" She gushed excitedly like a small girl.