He Must Be Hiding In A Hole Somewhere


I listened to Officer Williams speaking about Hannah's unclaimed dead body and felt Elena tensing at its mention. No matter what, Hannah was related to her in some way. It was natural for her to feel upset about the whole ordeal.

"We investigated her and ran a background check on her. We have her confession recorded thanks to Mr Ortiz. When her mother died, she was there in the hospital, witnessing it.

The incident took a great toll on her, and when everyone was busy with their job, she slipped out of the room. She was wandering around, not knowing what to do when she saw one of the security guards on the duty at Rodriguez Chemicals laying on the bed.

I think... that was the point when the last string she had attached with conscience broke in her."

"What do you mean?" Christine asked in a whisper, snuggling closer to Jimmy while he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder.