[Bonus chapter]What Are You Counting?


Steve's hateful gaze fixated on Mason, who stood at the back with a support of a wall. I didn't need to turn around to see how scared he must be.

I had to do something before things go out of control.

"Steve," I called his name softly, and his eyes flickered in my way. I searched for the hatred toward me in his eyes, but there was only little of that. It was there because perhaps Hannah couldn't take her revenge on me and died.

"Look, I understand your pain, Steve. Your anger is valid too. But I think you should calm down first. We can find a way out of this with discussion. Please put your gun down."

"SHUT UP!" He yelled, his nostrils flaring. "You think we can find a way with discussions? Seriously, Elena? What is there to discuss?

I haven't done everything for so long only for you to manipulate me with your sick word games. Hannah died without taking her revenge because she trusted me.