Chapter 20: Master of all Sword Arts!

Chapter 20: Master of all Sword Arts!

After seeing the gain he had made, Aakesh waved his hands. The next moment, the status panel disappeared.

There was no active inventory for players below Level 10, so Aakesh had to put the amulet in his pants pocket. Aakesh then turned around and proceeded toward the training arena.

Due to the dungeon, Aakesh had gathered enough coins to buy the sword arts he had chosen.

Time flew by, and Aakesh reached the training arena. Aakesh hurriedly went to the receptionist after entering the building.

The receptionist recognized Aakesh since the early morning when she had seen an amazing item in his hands.

"You have collected enough coins," The receptionist smiled.

Aakesh nodded, and the next moment, a blue screen popped out in front of him. Aakesh already had the sword art in his mind, so he scrolled down and tapped on it.

The next moment, seventy-five copper coins disappeared from his pocket while the receptionist seemed to have gotten a message.

The receptionist stood up from her chair and went somewhere. It didn't take her long, as she soon returned with a book and a sword in her hands.

"Here is your art and the sword," The receptionist smiled and handed over both items to Aakesh.

Aakesh excitedly took the book and the sword since he had worked the whole day to earn enough coins. Aakesh then thanked the receptionist and proceeded toward the training hall.

The sword was a sleek, elegant weapon with a simple yet refined design. The sharp edge blade was made of steel, while the hilt was wrapped in dark leather and had a small guard to protect the hand.

When Aakesh turned to leave, he used the basic appraisal skill, which caused a screen to appear in front of him with information about the sword.

Apprentice's Sword(Trash)

Description: A lightweight, well-balanced sword with a straight, single-edged blade.

Equipment Level: 0

Requirement: [Master of all Sword Arts]

Damage: 4-6

Speed: 3

Durability: 25/25

System Remarks: A Trashy Sword

Aakesh soon reached the training hall. Loud sounds were coming out of the hall as not only adventurers but also NPCs were training.

Aakesh first went to the seating area and opened the book. As Aakesh read the content, the details were being engraved into his head so that he would never forget them.

The Master of All Sword Arts was a style of fighting that used agility, technique, and body strength to attack. It was a well-rounded fighting style.

There were three levels to it;

The Way of the Blade: This level focused on the proper technique and form needed to wield a sword effectively. It included techniques such as proper grip, stance, and footwork, as well as the correct use of thrusts, cuts, and parries.

The Art of the Duel: This level was all about the mental and strategic parts of sword fighting, like knowing your opponent's weaknesses and being able to guess what they will do. It included tactics such as feints, parries, and counterattacks.

The Path of the Warrior: This level encompassed the physical conditioning and discipline needed to master the sword. It included things like sparring, endurance training, and lifting weights to build strength and stamina.

All three levels were linked together to form the Master of all Sword Arts.

The sword art also came with two skills attached.

Thundering Strike(Common)

Type: Attack

Description: A powerful overhead strike with the sword, utilizing the full momentum of the body

Damage: 8-12

Requirement: Beginner level proficiency in the Art

Duration: N/A

Cooldown: 30 minutes

Cost: 15 Mana

Flashing Blade(Common)

Type: Attack

Description: A series of quick, precise strikes with the sword designed to overwhelm the opponent

Damage: 2-4 per strike

Requirements: Intermediate-level proficiency in the art

Cooldown: 30 minutes

Cost: 5 Mana per strike

Myth Online divided its skills into several categories, starting with Common, Advanced, Master, and so forth.

Aakesh nodded after reading the details of the skill. Even though there were two skills, they needed requirements.

Since Master of all Sword Arts was only a basic art style, it had three levels of proficiencies, Beginner, Intermediate, and Master.

Achieving the Beginner level of proficiency in the art style was easy, as it would be achieved after using the techniques established in the art style. Getting intermediate proficiency wasn't easy, as it would require training.

After Aakesh had read the content of the book, it faded into light particles. Aakesh then grabbed the sword and went toward the empty training bloc.

He began by focusing on the proper grip, making sure that his fingers were wrapped around the hilt in a way that gave him maximum control over the blade. Next, he worked on his stance, positioning his feet shoulder-width apart and keeping a slight bend in his knees for balance. Finally, he practiced his footwork, taking small, measured steps as he moved around the training grounds.

It wasn't easy as his legs were hurting, but since his goal was something impossible, he persisted, gritting his teeth.

Around two hours passed as Aakesh persisted with his stance and footwork. In these two hours, Aakesh gave up many times, but he would stand up soon and return to the stance.

Panagea was a game world, so Aakesh got used to the stance and footwork more easily than he would have in reality.

As he practiced these basic techniques, Aakesh could feel himself getting more comfortable with the sword. He knew that mastering the proper grip, stance, and footwork was the foundation of all good sword fighting, and he was determined to get it right.

Around two more hours passed in the blink of an eye.

[You have gained 1 endurance!]

As Aakesh was training, he heard the gentle female voice, Aakesh decided to stop at that moment. Beads of sweat covered his face as he sat down on the chair.

After a rest of five minutes, Aakesh returned to the training bloc, aiming to double his distance this time.

Time flew by, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Even though only hours had passed, Aakesh felt like he had been training his footwork and grip for months now.

Since it was night in India, Aakesh decided to log out. Aakesh had no desire to give up on the earth this early. The Earth would be his battleground before it merged into Panagea, as per what Manish wrote in the diary.

When Aakesh emerged from the machine, he seemed as energetic as ever because the blue liquid kept his bodily energy at appropriate levels all day.

Aakesh looked at the clock in his room, finding the time to be seventeen minutes past twelve. Aakesh then jumped on his bed, soon falling asleep.