Chapter 66: Transfer!

Chapter 66: Transfer!

"Senior, can you help us level up? We will pay you," Shadow Blade asked.

In Panagea, helping an adventurer level up was possible, as when hunting in a team, the XP was provided depending on the damage.

The killer would gain ten percent of XP, while other XP separations depended upon the damage.

Aakesh didn't immediately answer but looked at the group in front of him. It seemed that the other party was wealthy, or they would have never asked him.

Shadow Blade and the other two looked at Aakesh in anticipation, hoping for him to accept the deal. Only if they knew that their level was higher than Aakesh's.

"How much can you offer me?" Aakesh asked.

Aakesh was no longer working, so he was dependent on his father's earnings and the savings they had accumulated until now. But Aakesh knew he needed money for what the diary wanted him to do, so this would be his first earnings from the game.