Chapter 68: Return!

Chapter 68: Return!

"What will you like?" Shachi became the first to break the silence and ask.

Aakesh looked awkward since he also had the same question, but he couldn't bring himself to ask it.

"I am fine with anything," Aakesh replied after a pause.

Shachi nodded and then ordered some Indian dishes. Around fifteen minutes later, the waiter came back with the dishes.

"What are you working on?" Aakesh asked as the atmosphere's tension had slightly lessened after sitting together for minutes.

Shachi then talked about her company and her work. After her answer, she put the same question to Aakesh.

"I left my job a month ago, and now I am a full-fledged game player," Aakesh answered.

Shachi was surprised to learn that Aakesh was leaving his high-paying job for a game. Since everyone had different interests, she didn't delve into that topic much so as not to make him uncomfortable.

"So, what games do you play?" Shachi asked.

"Myth Online."