Chapter 75: Dungeon Hunting(1)

Chapter 75: Dungeon Hunting(1)

Aakesh and the others handed ten silver coins to Eternity Seeker, totaling seventy silver coins.

After the payment was complete, the barrier blocking them from entering disappeared. The next moment, a white light covered the group, and soon after, they found themselves inside the dungeon.

As the information said, a horde of undead welcomed their sight when they entered. The undead was frozen, ready to pounce on the group as soon as they stepped forward.

Eternity Seeker looked at the group members and asked them to follow the strategy.

The two healers would stay at the back of the group. Eternity Seeker and Aakesh would stay at the front, while the four mage class adventurers would give them backup.

Aakesh kept his class secret but told the group that it had to do with a warrior. Aakesh wanted to keep Coin Tosser a secret for now. He couldn't trust others with this knowledge.