| My Snappy Little Bitch

Dominic grinned when his little vixen suddenly looked up and met his gaze, tearing him away from his internal musings. He didn't get his usual 'come get me' smile, it was more of a 'please rescue me' expression – which had a lot to do with the crowd of kids still hovering around her. With all her energy and sparkle she was like some sort of kid magnet.

He might have gone to her – that was all it would have taken to make the pups scarper – if the Alpha, Brick, hadn't chosen that moment to sit on the deckchair beside him. 

"I think you might end up with a houseful of pups." 

Dominic winced inwardly at the feel of one of them damn chest pangs. Ignoring it, he forced out a response. "You might be right." 

"You know, you're very intense with Natalie. I don't think you've moved your eyes from her for more than a few seconds since you got here." 

"Neither have you."