| Too Much To Handle

"Some people won't accept what they don't want to hear or see," Ryan said, his expression genuinely sympathetic.

"Yeah," Trevor agreed. "She'll probably be happy once her brothers are done with you."

"See—agent of Satan." It wouldn't be the first time a gang of brothers had targeted Davina. At least this time they weren't her own.

"They're all big fuckers, you know." Paul's lips twitched into a smile. "I heard they're a crazy bunch, too. And I don't mean 'eccentric' crazy, I mean ' we, the jury, find…' crazy. If I were you, well, I'd be a little nervous."

"Nervous of what?" asked Shirley as she entered the room and took a seat at the table. The redheaded female, who had been a close friend of Natalie's since childhood, had recently joined the pack.