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Even though they had been total bastards to her, Davina seemed to have this inner strength that meant no matter what they did or how much they did it, there were certain parts of her that they were never able to touch or scar. Growing up, she'd watched in total admiration as Davina had worked to make himself physically strong and fit until she was confident, capable, and one hundred percent comfortable in her skin.

All these years later, there was still something about her that enticed both her and Penny.

Maybe it was her piercing brindle-brown eyes or her cocky but sexy-as-hell grin or the way she radiated confidence.

Or maybe it was because she was amazingly and admirably always in total control of herself and of her wolf. Fiona got the feeling that control was important to Davina on some level, though she couldn't figure out why. In actuality, it was just as important to her. Not that Davina was even slightly aware of that.