Settling Problems & Shihuang's Encounter

Chen Jiahao wanted to settle his grudges with his uncle and aunt. Seeing how relaxed his cousin is, really shows how free his life has been. As far as he can remember, this cousin of his is two years older than him. Knowing that his cousin must at least has a wife and a child, his aunt and uncle must want his land and house.

Jiahao didn't want to let too many people know about his homecoming, lest his relatives will put up a performance and pull the sad relatives waiting for his nephew's trope. He discussed with Uncle Yichen if he and Shihuang could stay at his house for a little while he settled on what he should do. Uncle Yichen knew what he meant and of course, would gladly help them.

Along the way to the village head's house, he and Shihuang decided to walk and pull the reins of their horses. People made way for them as they thought that they are the village head's guests and didn't want to make trouble. Along the way, Jiahao could see many people looking at him but he didn't find Wenmin's figure between the crowds.

Sure enough, Aunt Yingyue's ger son is different from the rest of the people in the village. A small smile forms on his face but he quickly turns into his normal facial paralysis face. He saw Chen Haoran and a woman younger than him beside him. He asked Uncle Yichen, "Uncle, has my cousin been married? Surely my aunt and uncle wouldn't let him be a bachelor until he's old."

Uncle Yichen remembered the couple's precious son and frowned. "That boy got married two years after you left. After he was 18, his parents quickly found him a girl from the next village and married them. That's why they were trying to get your house and land deeds. Unfortunately, they haven't got a child yet."

Jiahao has been away from the village for six years, his cousin has been married but still couldn't conceive any children. Unless he or his wife is the one who cannot... The thought of his relatives jumping around and putting the blame on the wife might be a good scene.

Shihuang looked serious as he walked. Being in the barracks for a long time has taught him how to put on air around people. And knowing that there might be his boss's relatives in the crowd makes him even more annoyed. He knew that the man whom his boss stared at before was the cousin that got away from the army, while he was walking behind the boss, he send that man a sharp gaze and sneered at him.

Haoran married an innocent-looking girl from the next village, but only the villagers knew that the girl was not innocent. She had a vicious mouth and likes to spread rumours. That girl was Wu Jiali from the Wu Village. When Wu Jiali saw Jiahao and Shihuang, she can't help but glance at her skinny and ugly husband and she felt that what's good should be hers.

Looking at how Jiahao and Shihuang walk with their horse and swords on their body, a lot of people either wanted to get to know them or were afraid as both of them radiates vicious and cruel aura. Like a soldier coming back from the battlefield. These simple villagers knew that they should not bother them.

Reaching Uncle Yichen's house, he beckons them to enter the house and asked his wife to serve tea. In most villages, tea is a rare beverage. Either those with money or the village head can afford them as they have to entertain guests or important people. Being served tea warms Jiahao and Shihuang's bodies.

Jiahao stared outside the house, "Uncle Yichen, about my house and land deeds, can we settle them tomorrow in town? The sooner I get them, the faster I can see what should be done to the house and fields". Jiahao wanted to get his house back as soon as he can. That house was built by his father, that house was where his ger mother cooks simple yet warm food. He wanted to preserve the memories he had with his family.

Uncle Yichen saw the sadness and longing inside Jiahao's eyes. He knew what the young man thought. He also felt the loss of his dear cousin when he sent his cold body to the burial grounds. "Sigh, alright. Let's head to town tomorrow morning. It'll be easy to settle as you are the sole owner. Don't think too much. About your aunt and uncle, you do what you see fit. I will be your backer."

Shihuang sat silently and only listen to the conversation. He knew what it's like to lose the person you care about. Especially him. But he also knows that his boss is not a weak person. Momentary weakness shows that his boss still has human feelings.

They rest for the night. Jiahao still didn't get the chance to see Wenmin. He didn't even know the name of Aunt Yingyue's ger son. He always saw the young boy tailing his Ama around the village and always speaks when needed. But he can't remember the face. All he can remember was big round eyes.

He closed his eyes and slept through the night. Since he is going to face insignificant people tomorrow, he should collect all the energy he needed. As Jiahao know, dealing with insignificant people is much more tiresome than going to war. That's what he learn from living in the capital and the barracks.

The morning next day...

Jiahao and Uncle Yichen got up early and went to town to settle his business. Shihuang stayed in the village just to stroll around and see the villagers. They went separately as Shihuang didn't need to come and be a light bulb.

As Shihuang was walking around, he bumped into Wu Jiali was talking with another ger. When Jiali saw Shihuang, she took the initiative to talk to him. "Hello. Are you a guest of the village head? My name is Wu Jiali, just call me Jiajia. Since we both just met, I can take you around the village."

Shihuang looked at the blushing face of Haoran's wife, an evil thought crossed his head. Since this is the wife of his boss's cousin, surely the personalities are the same as the uncle and aunt. "Aiya, there's a good samaritan in the village. But will your husband not say that I'm trying to steal his wife ah? You look like you are proficient in talking to strange men oh."

Shihuang's voice was very loud. People who were on the field heard what he said and looked at Wu Jiali. They knew that she was the wife of Chen Haoran. They also knew that they have been married for six years but they still didn't have any children.

People on the field looked at Jiali with ridicule. Who doesn't know that she likes to talk bad about people and spread rumours? Once there was a ger who got married not long after she came to the village, the ger got pregnant just after one month of marriage and bore the family a son. She was so sour that she spread the ger was seeing another man and such.

The villagers and that ger's in-laws knew that Jiali was spreading the rumours and they condemn her and Jiahao's parents for marrying a bad woman into the village. Chen Haoran didn't even protect his wife and just stayed behind his parents. The show lasted for a week as Jiali kept on adding more and more rumours.

Now, seeing her trying to befriend other men without her husband knowing, the villagers ridicule her, even the ger that she was talking with her before was embarrassed and kept on pulling her shirt. She was dissatisfied and gave Shihuang a stink eye and walked off.

"Thank you, aunties and uncles. I just arrived here and I don't want people to start talking about something that's not true about me. My name is Qin Shihuang. I will be living in this village from now on." Shihuang thanked and bowed to the old people that were in the field. His pleasant smile gave the old people a good impression of him and even forgot that he had a sword on his back yesterday.

Shihuang continued walking until he reached the end of the village, this is where Wenmin live. He knew about Wenmin because Jiahao once told him about Aunt Yingyue and his ger son. He asked about Wenmin from Uncle Yichen's wife and come to know about his house.

He looked at the neat and clean courtyard of Wenmin's house and knew that such a neat courtyard will not have a bad owner. While he was looking, Chen Xinyi was approaching the house while holding a basket. He saw a tall and muscular man outside of Wenmin's house and put up his guard.

He heard about two men on a horse and swords on their backs from his mother. They didn't know who they were and just thought that it was the village head's guest. Seeing one of them in front of Wenmin's house would be weird as Wenmin didn't know anyone like them from town or even outside of town.

"What are you doing outside of my friend's house? Nothing valuable here." Xinyi's voice was loud and harsh. Shihuang was shocked and turned his head just to see a short ger asking loudly. He looked at Xinyi and looked at Wenmin's house.

"I'm not a robber bah. I came with Chen Jiahao back to his village. He had some business to do and I was just walking around. He told me that a person named Chen Yingyue once saved his life and he regards that person as his benefactor. So I just want to see who that person is." Shihuang has never given a long explanation before.

People in the barracks were afraid of him and Jiahao and no one ever accuse them of anything, so they never explained anything to anyone. Seeing a young ger bravely question him with a frowning face felt funny to him. 'This ger is interesting oh. If he's Wenmin's friend then maybe I can befriend him too.' Shihuang thought to himself.