
Chen Jiahao decided to start hunting and share a portion of his hunt with Wenmin. Since Wenmin is living alone, it will be hard for ger to hunt for himself, plus buying meat at the butcher would cost some money. He knew that Wenmin had made money for himself, but it was better to save money.

He discussed his plan to hunt with Shihuang, and they decided to check the mountain in the village. Both of them got their hunting tools and set off at dawn when some people were still getting up; the animals would still be a bit laxer. Jiahao hadn't been to this mountain for a very long time, and seeing how the environment still hadn't changed; he felt nostalgic.

He brought a bow and arrows, a machete and some ropes to tie the game. They went deeper into the mountains as bigger animals lived there. Walking, they found animal footprints and knew they were near the animal's nests.

They found a big boar resting under a tree. Jiahao signalled to Shihuang that this boar would be good to hunt. Jiahao took out his bow and an arrow and aimed a the boar. He was a general; he never missed his shoots. With just one pull, he killed the boar with just an arrow through its head.

They were satisfied with hunting a giant wild boar and proceeded to catch something else. Eating boar meat is fine, but having more choices would be better for them. And since Jiahao is sharing his game with Wenmin, catching more would be a better way to please the other.

Jiahao caught three pheasants and some rabbits and cut a few burning woods for Wenmin. They went down the mountain and bumped into a few villagers. "Look at that Chen boy. He caught a huge boar. He also caught a lot of game." Jiahao heard those whispers but chose to neglect them.

They went to their house and started to cut the boar. Looking at how big and heavy the boar is, it would be roughly 100kgs. He gave 40kgs to Wenmin and made excuses to get Wenmin to cook for him if he could. He also kept 30kgs for himself and Shihuang, 20kgs for the village chief and 10kgs for Xinyi's family.

He packed each part and bone into different packaging and set out with Shihuang to distribute them. They went to the village chief's house and gave him the 20kgs of boar meat and bones. The village chief was surprised, but he accepted the meat. He thanked them happily and said they could just come to him if they needed anything.

Next, Shihuang knew Jiahao also wanted to give the meat and bones to Xinyi and volunteered to go to Xinyi's house. When they reached Wenmin's house, coincidentally, Wenmin and Xinyi, with his Ama, were discussing adding more workers. Wenmin wanted Xinyi and his Ama to work with him.

Since he didn't know any people, he wanted Xinyi to work with him. Plus, Xinyi also helped him a lot. When they were discussing, they heard someone knocking on the door. Aunt Bao opened the door and saw two tall men outside the door. She knew who they were and asked them why they were here.

Jiahao said he caught a wild boar and wanted to give Wenmin some meat, bones, and a few other games. She knew that Jiahao was interested in Wenmin, and Xinyi told her about the proposal. She invited them into the yard and called out Wenmin and Xinyi.

When they went outside, they saw two men with baskets beside them drinking water that Aunt Bao served. Xinyi nudged Wenmin and smirked. Wenmin was still shy to talk to Jiahao after the proposal incident. But since they agreed to get to know each other, he still has to communicate with Jiahao.

They sat opposite the two men and called Aunt Bao to sit together. Jiahao saw the red on Wenmin's ears and acted as if he didn't see anything. "Wenmin ge'er, I caught a big wild boar today and wanted to give you some. Here is also some rabbit meat and pheasant meat. The rabbit fur can be made into things."

Jiahao took out the meat, bones and fur and placed them in front of Wenmin. Wenmin, with big eyes, looked at the meats and bones in front of him. He had never got anything like this in his whole life. "Ah, this is too much, Jiahao gege. What do you think about your portion? How about this, whenever you go the field, let me cook lunch for you and Shihuang gege."

Jiahao had already thought about getting Wenmin to cook for him, but he didn't expect Wenmin to volunteer. He smiled, "If it's like that, then it will be fine. We still have our portion. May I add dinner to the discussion? Both of us big men can't cook that much. It would be great to ask you to cook while we hunt for you."

Wenmin knew that other than hunting, the other way to get meat was to buy them in the town. But the price would be slightly higher, and he wanted to go to town sparingly. He nodded to the suggestion, and a smile appeared on his face. Xinyi looked at both of them, flirting unknowingly. He felt that having a man like Jiahao as a prospective husband was not bad at all.

Suddenly, Shihuang placed a bundle in front of Xinyi. Xinyi and Aunt Bao looked at the pile with confusion. "Ahem, I also wanted to give you some meat. There's also some rabbit and pheasant meat." Shihuang acted as if giving a ger his game was unimportant.

Xinyi looked at Shihuang and looked at the meat. His heart suddenly felt warm, and he blushed a little. Aunt Bao saw their interactions and thought it would not be long before his ger and Wenmin were brides. "Thank you, ah Shihuang. You can come to our house if you want us to cook." She said, winking at Shihuang.

'Ah! It looks like my intention has been seen through.' Shihuang was caught red-handed, but seeing Xinyi's mother wink, he knew that Aunt Bao was satisfied with him. He smiled and puffed his chest towards Jiahao as if saying, 'look at me; I also got myself a prospective husband'.

Wenmin saw the intentions behind Shihuang's gift and Aunt Bao's winks. He thought to himself, will a double happiness event happen in the village? He glanced at Jiahao, looking at his sharp jaw and sharp eyes. He also saw those steel-like veins on Jiahao's hands and arms.

A picture of veins nearing a forbidden part popped into his mind as he stared at Jiahao's body. He felt like his face was hot and quickly covered his face. Jiahao saw everything that happened and rolled up his sleeve a bit more to tease Wenmin.

Wenmin could see the teasing look that Jiahao gave him, and he couldn't stand the look and glanced elsewhere. But his small peeking at the arms was still caught by Jiahao. The atmosphere was filled with pink bubbles, and even Aunt Bao felt like she was back in her youth when she first married Xinyi's father.