Mini skirt

Isabella glanced at the door to the bathroom after pondering about the pill she saw on the floor. Should she ask him later? Because what she was seeing on the floor didn't look like a painkiller pill.

When Isabella reached the living room, she found her sister with her bag, dressed up and ready to leave but where?

"Isabella," she heard her sister and went closer to her with the heavy backpack. Isabella placed the bag on the floor and made it rest on a couch.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"I'm sorry."

"You should apologize to Luke you know."


"Never mind. I'll have to pay for your actions as always... I don't know how many times I have to tell you to think before acting. You might get yourself in trouble one day," Isabella's expression was strong.

"I will try," Mia answered.

"Where are you off to?"

"I want to visit Hannah today, she'd have missed me a lot. Visiting her would fill her day with joy again."