Your thighs

Hans and Lucian had been troubling Gabe to appear elegantly hot for the dinner but he left the room when they weren't aware and now they must be searching for him so he decided to keep the treehouse dark because he was avoiding his friends.

He had wished Mia had asked him why he suddenly changed. Why he doesn't approach her, Why he ignored her, Why he dated someone else or why he didn't kiss her anymore but she never cared. If she ever cared, she'd be affected by his changes and want him back. What happened was the opposite of his expectations. 

Stroking his cat and watching anime on his phone because he was bored and moody, he felt someone's presence. Everything just seemed dead to him so he had been acting lifeless to everyone around him that was why his friends invited Mia over.

He was at rest until he heard footsteps from outside. Oh, no! His friends found him, he grumbled but didn't expose himself yet.