Part 9

I- I'm very s-sorry Mr. Kim." You apologized crying badly.

"Y/n, stop crying. I'm sorry okay?" He said making you look up into his eyes.

The moment your orbs met his, more tears flew down your eyes. You didn't know what was happening to you. You felt awful when he scolded you, yet you didn't want to be away from him.

Seeing your unbearable state, he pulled you in a hug. A warm hug! You calmed down a bit when he embraced you.

"I'm very sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just worried about you, okay? Don't take me wrong." He said rubbing your back gently.

You were still wetting his shirt with your tears and he was feeling very guilty.

"P-please never y-yell at me t-this way again. My heart almost stopped working. I- I was scared." You told through your muffled sobs.

"Calm down. I'm sorry. I won't do this again." He apologized consequently.

Minutes later, he released you from the hug sensing that now you're better.

"Did you eat?" He asked and you shook your head no.

"Why?" He questioned again.

"You couldn't come because of me. So, I attended all the meetings by myself." You said looking down.

"You didn't have to do that. You could've just canceled all of them." He said caressing your cheeks.

"I thought you would get more mad at me." You mumbled.

"Leave it. Let's go and eat." He said and dragged you to his car.

"Where should we go?" He asked.

"Wherever you wish to go, Mr. Kim." You replied.

"Drop the formalities when it's just two of us. We're gonna be married soon." He said with a small smile.

"Ok then, let's go to my favorite place." He added and started the car.


"How's it?" He said walking in with you.

"It's beautiful." You replied with a smile.

"You look pretty when you smile." He complimented catching you off guard.

"T-thank you Taehyung." You replied with a pink tint on your cheeks.

"Let's order." He said and you nodded.

"You liked the food?" He asked wiping his mouth with the paper napkin.

"It was delicious." You replied drinking water.

"Wait!" He said and leaned in to clean your mouth making your breath hitch.

'What's happening today? Why does everything feel so awkward?'

"Ice cream?" He asked. You nodded like a puppy and he chortled at your behavior.

"Let me bring you one." He said and walked to the ice cream counter.

Handing you a chocolate cup, he munched on his strawberry one.

"I like strawberries. Why did you bring me chocolate?" You said with a pout and he looked at you blankly.

"I- I didn't know and girls usually prefer chocolates so I brought you one." He answered and you turned your face away from him.

"Fine. Take mine." He said giving you his.

"But you also like strawberries." You sighed.

"Let's share then." He suggested.

You took a bite and gave it to him. He was about to take a bite but you slightly pushed the cone. Now, he had ice cream on his nose.

"Hahaha!" You laughed out loud.

You were busy laughing when he took your chocolate cup and poured it on your nose and lips.

"Haha! Y/n, you look like an angry panda!" He laughed and you got annoyed.

He finished the entire strawberry ice cream while laughing.

"It was not funny." You stuck your tongue out.

"Wait, it's still on your face." He said chuckling and grabbed a tissue to wipe it out.

Leaning in, he wiped your nose and then went down to your lips. He was about to wipe them too but a sudden urge took over him.

He threw the tissue aside and cupped your cheeks. You were about to push him away but he began to lick your lips.

You froze in your place. What the fuck is even happening! Gosh!

Slowly, the licks turned into a peck and ultimately, into a kiss. He was kissing you slowly, gently, passionately.

You were too shocked to even react to his kiss. He was busy with your lips.

"Sir, the bill is here." The waiter interrupted your moment and he immediately jolted back to his place.

"Ahm! Alright! I'll pay." He said and handed him the amount.

Now what? Things are super awkward! Agh! Why did he kiss you? And why didn't you kiss him back? What was that stupid feeling? What was happening inside your stomach due to his touch? Aish!

"L-let's go." You murmured and walked out to the car.

Standing there, you closed your eyes trying to calm your uneven heartbeats. This feeling was something new!

You were standing facing the garden. And out of a sudden, you felt someone back hugging you. You gasped.

"I'm sorry." The voice made you calm down.

"You scared me!" You told holding his arms.

"What are you sorry for?" You asked stroking his veiny arms.

"For kissing you without your permission." He told caressing your tummy.

"I think it was alright. We've to kiss at our wedding as well. It was like a practice kiss." You laughed.

"You're not mad?" He asked shocked.

"No. I was just startled." You told.

"Thank God! I thought you won't forgive me this time." He said snuggling in your neck.

"Obviously, I won't forgive you." You added.

"What? Why?" He asked turning you around.

"You yelled at me. You made me cry." You told.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I told you, I didn't mean to do that. I was just worried-"

"Worried that I'll end up sleeping with someone?" You asked with a smirk. He didn't say anything but just looked down.

"I'm sorry again if you're offended. I just want you to be safe and sound." He confessed stroking your cheeks.

"Don't worry. I won't sleep with someone else. The only man with whom I'll sleep is you." You said in a small voice making him smile.

"How many women have you dated by the way? You are so good with this stuff!" You added while laughing.

"Yah! I haven't dated anyone, okay? I am marrying you without any past experiences." He revealed with a slight chuckle.

"What! As if I'll believe you! Such a great liar!" You said sitting inside the car.

TO BE CONTINUED... (*´︶`*)♡Thanks!