The Love

"Jenny!" Danish yelled.

"Yeah?" Jenny asked.

"Jenny, listen please can you do something for me?" Danish asked.

"Yup..." Jenny said.

"Can you please become a friend of Jansie?" Danish asked

"Have you gone mad?" Jenny asked.

"What?" Danish asked.

"Yeah, you have gone mad... Totally..." Jenny said.

"Why are you both enemies?" Danish asked.

"We have been enemies since we first met... Our first meeting was a fight..." Jansie said to Jordan.

"Really?" Danish asked Jenny.

"Yeah... She was lying about me to my friends..." Jenny said.

"Why were you lying about her?" Jordan asked Jansie.

"I was not lying about her... I was talking about her..." Jansie said.

"No, she was lying about me..." Jenny said to Danish.

"How do you know?" Danish asked.

"Mae told her about me... She lied about me..." Jansie said to Jordan.

"Ooh... And you believed her?" Danish asked.

"Of course... She was my friend." Jenny said.

"Maybe she lied about her." Danish said.

"Why did she lie about you?" Jordan asked Jansie.

"Because she has hated me since starting... I was the only brilliant student of class till Jenny came... I thought Jenny and I would be best friends but Mae reversed my thinking." Jansie said.

"Mae was trying to influence you by her talks." Danish said.

"And she was successful in influencing her..." Jansie said.

"I will talk to her..." Jordan said.

"No, please..." Jenny said to Danish.

"No, I will talk to her..." Danish said.

"Why?" Jansie asked.

"Because... I love you...." Jordan said to Jansie.

Jansie hugged Jordan and Jenny hugged Danish.

"I'm so sorry, Jansie..." Jenny said.

"No, I'm sorry... She influenced you just because of me..." Jansie said.

"No, please don't be sorry." Jenny said.

Jenny hugged Jansie.

"Now we can say..." Danish said.

"BEST FRIENDS FOREVER" Danish and Jordan said together and laughed.

Jenny and Jansie also laughed.

"Guys, did you hear about the Christmas Ball '24?" Neville asked.

"Christmas Ball '24? What's that?" All asked.

"It's the Christmas celebration at our school... We're having a huge Christmas celebration..." Neville said.

"Really?" Jansie asked.

"Yeah... See the notice board." Neville said.

All ran towards the Notice Board.

"There's a dance competition too..." Jenny said.

"Yeah..." Danish said.

"So, you all are coming, aren't you?" Neville asked.

"Yeah, we all are coming..." Jordan said.

"Who will you take to Ball?" Neville asked.

"I will take Jenny with me... Will you come with me to the Ball?" Danish asked.

"Of course." Jenny said.

"And I will take Jansie with me..." Jordan said.

"Yup..." Jansie said.

"You all read the last line, right?" Neville asked.

"What?" Danish asked.

"That 'Students who are couples will be the only ones who can participate in Dance Competition.' " Neville said.

"We are couples, Neville." Jansie said.

"Wha-What?" Neville asked.

"Yeah... You didn't know?" Danish asked.

"No..." Neville said.

"This is THE LOVE" Jenny said.