Crystal eye (3)

Cayden glance sideways and noticed the Alpha Snake Beast frowning deeply at Mei.

His frowning reaction confirm Cayden's suspicion. It wasn't the Alpha Snake Beast give her the buff. It was something else. Most probably those insufferable hunters!

Cayden there's a price to pay if you, as a challenger accepted an outside help. Especially if it's a power not authorized inside the game.

Mei just accepted it. Now she will suffer its consequences.

Seeing her distorted expression and her writhing appearance. Cayden knew she no longer have any control of her body.

Everyone in the monopoly game can only watch, as Elma rushed towards her daughter without anything to protect her. As a result, her body became filled with multiple bullet holes.

Her stomach, her abdomen, her arm, her legs. The sound of gunshots cruelly erupted in the wide open space. But even though her body is full of bullets, Elma still reached her daughter's side and hug Mei tightly in her arms.

Blood appeared on the side of Elma's mouth. She's having a hard time breathing. It seems one of the bullets managed to penetrate her lungs. Even so, she still smiled and reach out to take the gun and sword from her daughter's writhing hands.

"I'm sorry…. I'm sorry…." She cupped Mei's face with one of her bleeding hands. Her other hand is reaching for the sword at the side.

"Even if… I will die… I will never let… these… monsters… control…you." Elma gasped.

"I'm sorry…." The sound of a sharp blade penetrating through flesh and bones rang in everyone's ears.

Many challengers could not help but grimace seeing this scene. All of them were able to see that Mei, no longer have control of herself. Because if she has, how could she dare to aim her gun at her own mother?

They also witness her writhing, just like what happened to the woman who pleaded for death. At this point, everyone already understood that if a human body writhes uncontrollably, it means they are under the control of monsters.

The pair of mother and daughter were kneeling in front of each other. Their clothes were soaked in blood. The mother's body was covered in bullet holes. And a long sword protruded on their backs.

Elma succeeded in impaling her daughter from her back and the blade went past her daughter's chest right to Elma's heart.

"I'm sorry… I failed you." Then Elma's body went slumped.

Everyone who watches this scene has mixed feelings. They could understand why the mother killed her daughter. Who's mother was able to endure seeing their child being enslaved by a monster?

She's already dying. She could not leave her daughter behind to live just to fall into a trap, to be controlled for the rest of her lives! The mother will always ensure her daughter is safe… and retain her consciousness up to the end. (A/N: Means Mei is still herself, not controlled by anyone.)

Still… to think they will commit double suicide….

The other challengers stared at the mother and daughter's bodies with melancholic eyes. They only got interrupted when the Alpha Snake Beast spoke.

"Sorry, human. Even though you're the one left, the reward of the crystal eye was consumed by that girl. So no reward for you. But at least you got your life eh? Still alive with that broken arm and leg. Don't worry. You will not be so lucky next time." The Alpha Snake Beast said these words nonchalantly.

But Cayden knew he mean it. This bastard will continue to torture him until Cayden only have one limb left.

In the next few rounds of the game, no one triggered the battle mode. Pete became the leading of the group because he receive consistent 5 or 6 value from the orb. Pete is now on the 69th square, while Cayden is in the middle.

Everyone let down their guard when the last round resulted in no casualties. The reward was provided to each of the challengers in the square instead of giving only one and force the challengers inside the square to fight over it.

With the next round starting, things started to get strange. Especially the sudden changes in the orb's question.

The first person who experience it could not answer immediately.

[Which body part will you choose to remain: kidney or liver?]

Everyone was stunned.

"What are you dallying for? Hurry up." The Alpha Snake Beast said impatiently.

The young man breathed shallowly before responding, "Ki - kidney."

The young man was extremely nervous. He first heard this question from the monster Cayden faced earlier. It ask which body part he wanted to have. And then the monster went ahead and broke that body part Cayden did not choose.

The young man clenched his fist and forcibly close his eyes. But after waiting for a few seconds of standing in the 63th square, nothing happens.

[Congratulations! The free jump square has been triggered. You can choose to move forward not more than 25 squares or backwards but not on the square you landed. Please choose wisely.]

The young man's facial expression became like a wilted balloon. It losses its strain right after releasing the air.

The young man took a huge sigh of relief. The next person move forward and receive an almost identical question.

[Which body part will you choose to remain: hand or foot?]

The woman trembled, but she force to steel herself and shouted. "I will choose foot!"

While the orb is generating the number, the woman fiercely glared at the Alpha Snake Beast. "What awful things are you planning to do right now, you monster?! Will you imprison each of us now inside these measly squares? Or will you release those snakes in order to feed us to them?! You and your kind are so despicable! No wonder snakes -"

"Shouldn't you go?" The Alpha Snake Beast impatiently cut her off. With a wave of his hand, the woman stumbled on her feet. As if an invisible force push her.