
Spirit Arts: The process of using soul energy to enhance one's body and pull off superhuman movements. It can be used consciously or by training one's body; enough can be used unconsciously.

Legacy: When influential people die, their willpower allows them to surpass death and return to the earth in another body as a legacy sharing the body with the soul of the person born into it two souls in one body. The gift can be manifested as a Biomechanical armament. Legacy will also physically change the host's body to take on the physical traits of the spirit inside.

Φ This symbol indicates a change in perspective

12 Months in Order













Log of Characters

Name: Orb

Age: 15

Birthday: Capricorn 28th

Hair: Primary White (standard), Red (anger), Green (excitement), Yellow (fear), Brown (nervousness), Grey (confusion), Cream (hunger)

Lime (lying), Orange (discomfort), Black (worry), Pink (happiness)

Purple (?) Gold (arrogance) Blue (embarrassed)

Secondary: Silver

Eyes: Blue (left) and Gold (Right)

Height: 168 cm

Likes: Drawing, Food, Snow Sculptures, Books, Captivant, Wolfie, Draga, Cole, Meat, Villagers

Dislikes: Being left alone, Physical contact, Cliffs, weakness

Name: Willow Berk

Age: 14

Birthday: Sagittarius 7th

Hair: Light Green

Eyes: Orange

Height: 154cm

Likes: Animals Orb Training

Dislikes: Dishonesty, fire, poison

Name: Maple Rian

Age: 14

Birthday: Sagittarius 1st

Hair: white (primary), gold (secondary)

Eyes: Red(left), green (Right)

Height: 153 cm

Likes: food, singing, Sequoia, Willow, Orb

Dislikes: responsibility, Cole

Name: Sequoia Rian

Age: 39

Birthday: Gemini 23rd

Hair: White

Eyes: Red

Height: 187 cm

Likes: All Villages, Peace, Hunting, Fantasy

Dislikes: Violence, Lack of self-awareness, Unknown

Name: Cole Animus

Age: 19

Birthday: Leo 14th

Hair: Brown

Eyes: blue

Height: 176 cm

Likes: Justice, brother, parents

Dislikes: Evil, Self, money,

Name: Captivant Nightfall

Age: 84

Birthday: Taurus 23rd

Hair: black (Normally), Grey (due to age)

Eyes: Yellow

Height: 179 cm

Likes: Books, family, Orb, potatoes, alcohol,

Dislikes: milk, berries, people who don't like his family,

Generals Character logs (it is dictated by order)

Name: (Buloke Ring) (Aea Fatom) (Alis Fatom) (Pine Heart) (Oren Heart) (Elizabeth Animus) (Richard Animus) (Throne Uth)

Age: (21) (20) (20) (50) (52) (40) (39) (29)

Birthday: (Taurus 1st) (Pisces 5th) (Pisces 5th) (Capricorn 8th) (Cancer 30th) (Aries5th) (Aquarius 7th) (Virgo 22nd"

Hair: (Brownish Orange) (Purple) (Purple) (Grey) (Gold) (Gold) (Brown) (Brown)

Eyes: (Red) (Red) (Red) (Green) (Pink) (Blue) (White) (Lime)

Height: (192 cm) (184 cm) (184 cm) (169 cm) (172 cm) (165 cm) (177 cm) (156 cm)

Log of animals

Predasaurs: Animals that evolved to live in and around the area of Fimbulwinter.

Name: Scardo

Height: 122cm

Type: Herbivore

Description: It is small with a beak and a fluffy tail. It's covered with red and purple feathers, scardos are said to be very friendly and loving to humans.

Fact: they hang around human settlements since humans don't like eating them due to them being cute.

Name: Waptor

Height: 205cm

Type: Carnivore

Description: It has two legs and four wings at its side covered in light blue feathers. They're also swift and have very soft skulls.

Fact: They specifically will not eat 4-year-old children.

Name: Sonbit

Height: 210cm

Type: Omnivore

Description: It is a giant, white, fluffy, mammal with long ears and long circular tails.

Fact: They have no teeth, so they swallow everything they eat whole, breaking it down with their acidic stomachs.

Name: Spercera

Height: 320cm

Type: Carnivore

Description: It's a giant, silver, quadrupedal omnivore, with one large horn at the front, with curved horns around its face that form a spiral armoured face cover. It is covered in fur and has skin as hard as iron. They have elongated tongues that can take their prey off their horn.

Fact: They ram into the hardest object they can find to sharpen their horn.

Name: Atlas Eater

Height: 410cm

Type: Carnivore

Description: It has a large upper body with six arms, a semi-sphere head covered in white fur, sharp teeth, and two tiny stocky feet.

Fact: they can roll their entire body into a ball to sleep.

Name: Tiritrex

Height: 12m (MAX)

Type: Omnivore

Description: A quadrupedal beast with five horns covered in feathers. Their feathers can be shot off as a method of attack and defence.

Fact: Can adapt to any and all situations if given enough food. They can shrink to heal faster.