Arc 6.23

As Arthur tries to hit him, he is suddenly pushed into the ground. "Sorry if you want to kill him, do it when he doesn't owe me money."

"Rise, you bastard, don't get in my way."

Kicking him in the face, Rise says, "You're pissing me off. I don't want you pretending as if you have morals, because if you did you wouldn't be here, so shut up and behave."

Turning around, he says to his subordinates, "Start loading the kids."

As all the kids are taken out of the room they scream for me, but due to whatever Arthur injected into me I feel weak, so weak I can't even use my legacy on my body. I try to crawl my body towards them, but it is no use I can barely move. All I can do is scream, "EVERYONE FIGHT BACK."

Hearing my words, I see Fionna start fighting back against the guard's grips, after she breaks free, I see the other kids start fighting but they are all quickly overpowered as I try to get out.

The kids are beaten until they can't move while I am unable to do anything. "As you can see the only way to restrain them was by putting them in this state, so I hope you don't deduct our pay," Rise says to the alien.

"Well, since they are still alive there is no issue." On the floor beaten and bloodied, Fionna says to Rise, "Why are you doing this to us, we did nothing to you?"

"Why? Because I can, simple as that."

"But you're just stepping over our lives."

"Steeping over your lives! Don't make me laugh. You guys are ALL ORPHANS, YOUR LIVES ARE MEANINGLESS. From the moment every single one of you where born none of you were ever loved. All your lives have all equated to nothing more than the dust on my shoes, so don't talk as if I am ridding the world of some value, you dusty child."

As he says this, I see tears fall from the kid's eyes. Enraged I scream, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING, you overweening midget."

Walking to the door with the alien, Rise says, "Hey Socko go teach that brat his place."

As they leave, Socko says, "My pleasure boss."

The giant man named Socko walks up to me and prepares to hit me directly in the face. But suddenly, something comes crashing from the sky and lands directly on him.

Looking at what fell on him, I see both Orb and my dad. While shocked I hear the kids scream, "NINJA MAN."

Making a gesture at the kid's Orb moves straight ahead and knocks out the gang members in the room, with my dad running over to me and saying, "Iancu, thank god, you're ok."

Seeing him so worried tears fall from my eyes as I say, "Dad I love you."

After Orb finishes taking them all out, he walks up to me and says, "Iancu are you ok?"

"Yeah, he just gave me something that makes me feel weak."

"I see that is good then." Walking over to the kid's Orb asks, "Are you all ok?"

"NINJA MAN!" They scream. "WE WERE SO SCARED."

"Well for now on you, all have nothing to fear since the dark moon has come to destroy all your enemies."

Suddenly we all hear the noise of a gravity vehicle. "This isn't good, they are taking the kids with them, we need to go after them."

"No, Iancu we are going home this isn't our business."

"Dad, what the hell are you talking about, we can't just leave them."

"NO IANCU, I will not lose you too."

Orb says, "I am going after them," but as he runs after them I hear they have taken off. So Orb runs back inside and asks, "Do you know where they are going?"

"ORB LEAVE US OUT OF THIS, Iancu we are leaving," my dad says.

Seeing my dad's irrational behaviour, I push him out of the way then I use my legacy to hold him in one place, and run over to Arthur taking his stun weapon. "Dad I am going to help people even if you hate it, will all your heart now and until the day I die."

After I say this, I run over to Orb and say, "Please take me with you."

"You sure?"

"One hundred percent."

"I see then let's go." Grabbing me I use my legacy to remove gravity around us and then we jump out of the building and use Orb's chain to swing from building to building.

"IANCU COME BACK!" My dad screams, but we continue on following the vehicle.

As we move towards the platform, I realize that we are on platform one, Helios. But as I think this Orb says, "We won't catch up to them like this, they are moving too fast."

"Don't worry Orb we can catch up, but to do that I can going need you to land on the side of that building over there."

Following my instructions Orb lands on it freezing his legs to it. So I say, "Brace for impact."

"What why."

"My legacy increases or decreases all and any type of force. So even the reaction force acting beneath us can be increased."

Φ "But wouldn't that send me- wait Iancu I am not ready."

"I already warned you," suddenly I am sent flying in the direction of the vehicle is in at high speed.

Φ Picking Arthur up by his neck I say, "Do you even know what the hell you have done?"

"I am sorry."

"Do you think sorry will cut it. Right now, you're spitting in the face of everything my wife worked towards."

"I know, but since your wife died it all became hopeless."

"Do you think Gloria and Tetra didn't think it was hopeless, but they still worked hard."

"None of you get it at all, you haven't seen the deeps it has fallen to." Picking in up a Kaidenwa Arthur says, "Order fifty-five L-516G."

Knocking it out of his hands I say, "What the hell did you just do?"

"That was a code that the Gpd used to assist criminals, everyone who heard that will be going to help the vehicle with that identification number. The pollution in the Gpd really does go that deep. But don't worry they won't kill Iancu."

Throwing him down I say, "Dammit, I need to go."

But as I start to run away, the kids behind me call after me saying, "Please take us with you."

"Sorry, I don't have time for you guys."

"Please sir don't leave us," they cry. But ignoring them I leave.


Φ As I am launched threw the air, I land on a vehicle going down the gravity road, "See it wasn't that bad."

"I would like some warnings next time."

"Stop complaining and hurry up ninja man, didn't you promise to protect all those kids or are you too weak to accomplish such a feat?"

"You dare underestimate me!" Using my legacy on my legs, I jump from one vehicle to the next trying to get closer. But as I approach, I notice something; the arm ban I was giving now has three strokes on it. "What the hell?"

Then I look around, and I see lots of Gpd vehicles coming towards us. "Due to you having three strikes you are now under the application of Elpídan law and can be tried, so we ask they you come with us silently."

"But I haven't used up my three strikes?"

Φ "Orb they are full of shit. They're probably working with the alien and are trying to help him get away." Arthur wasn't lying they really have turned to shit.

"We will use force unless you comply."

Taking the gun I stole from Arthur; I use my legacy on it then I shoot a stun bb at the vehicle. Usually, this realises a small shock at whatever it lands on, but with my legacy, anything the little bb hits will instead have the gravity acting on it increased.

As my bb hits the vehicle the gravity increases which forces it to fall down. "That's our answer. Orb keep going forward."

Φ "Looks like this is another country I am going have to flee." Speeding up I jump from vehicle to vehicle until I get close to our target, but the Gpd vehicles keep getting in our way even with Iancu knocking them all out of the air. Our target keeps getting further and further away, and then it starts to move on a strange path.

Seeing this I say, "Iancu let's get rid of these guys before we continue on."


I jump on top of the Gpd vehicles and start freezing them as Iancu keeps up shooting them out of the sky. "Orb I have an idea, but I need you to follow my instructions."

After Iancu says his instructions into my ear, I follow them. Using reaction force I am sent flying over to a building, which I attach the chain on my weapon to, as I swing Iancu boosts the centrifugal force so I swing myself high into the sky and away from all the Gpd vehicles.

Though they continue to follow me and Iancu in the sky. Due to the zero gravity, we can't move.

"Orb you did this perfectly now it is my turn." Using his legacy, Iancu shoots a bb at the vehicles approaching us and suddenly they all come to a stop.

"The air resistance has been increased in all directions, now none of them can move at all."

Using my legacy, I create a lot of ice and jump off of it and due to Iancu increasing the reaction force I am sent flying all the way back down.

"Orb, how are we going to locate them now?"

"Don't worry about that I have an idea. I smelt her earlier, she should be just around this corner."

Φ "It seems those little miracles really did a number on the Gpd officers. Does this mean we're in trouble?"

"Don't worry your stupid little alien head, I have already taken precautions for this, I found out the route that Arthur was using and have set up my own men to intercept anyone who follows us."

"Do you really think your men would be able to stop those two legacies by themselves?"

"Don't insult me, remember this alien; I am Rise the man who rose from a mere grunt to the leader of virtuoso in five years. So if I say they can do it they can do it."

"That's very impressive." But I still feel like the chance of that are low, so I might as well put my own plan in motion.

"This is K8 requesting access."


"K8, this O9, why have you accessed our mental link? Has there been an issue with your current retrieval?"

"To a certain extent, but that isn't the main reason I have contacted you. I have two legacies that we can use to test out both AA01 and AA02."

"They are still in prototype; you know they would lose against anyone of substantial strength."

"Don't worry about that, from what I have seen in terms of legacy use both of them are rookies. This should be an easy battle."

"I see, if I am able to get permission they will be sent to your location. May the sky be with you."

"And you as well."


Φ As I try on the clothes that Ai bought for me, she says, "Suzuka you're so pretty."

Happy I say, "I really am, aren't I."

"Your just gorgeous, an angel, a heavenly being," Ai says while drool falls from her mouth. She almost tries to hug me, but holding herself back she says, "DAMMIT I HAVE ALREADY USED UP ALL MY PHYSICAL CONTACT."

"Are you ok?"

"Sorry, it is just that my son used to give me hugs all the time, but now he just tells me to fuck off, so I guess I have been starved for physical contact with a cute child."

Walking up to her I say, "Since you're so nice, I guess I can give you a hug this time."

With tears rolling down her eyes she says, "Really?"

"Well, we are friends."

Her eyes explode with water and she says, "Thank you so much."

Φ God must really be on my side today. I stretch my hands out and try to grab Suzuka and give her a hug, but as I do, I see a chain break through the window and wrap itself around her waist and moments later she is gone.