Arc 7.03

The gryphons charge at us at full speed ready to attack. I activate my legacy on my arms and legs, then I use snow boost to propel myself into the air. Meeting the gryphon mid-air, I slash it with my claws and then freeze the area to kill it.

Φ I turn one of my tails into spirit energy(7 left), then I use Fox art; leg breaker to jump up into the air and hit the gryphon right in its neck breaking it.

But as I do, five other come for me, so I kick off of my tail to slightly move myself out of the way. It is hard to sense these animals since they don't give off spirit energy.

Φ In the middle of the air I create a platform of ice and kick-off off it, while dodging all the gryphons attacks. Something is strange here, they're all coordinated, wonderbeasts shouldn't act together this well especially prideful ones like gryphons.

Realizing what's going on, I look over at the big gryphon. That one must be an alpha; they are all working as a unit since they have bowed their heads to him. Still, they all work too well together, these gryphons can't be wild ones. What a headache.

As me and Suzuka continue to dodge all their attacks, we strike back when possible but then the alpha lets out a big roar. The sheer volume of this is about to bust my eardrums, so I stop in mid-air unable to do anything.

Φ After the gryphon lets out a big roar, I see Orb holding his ears mid-air. This is bad, he can't dodge like that. Kicking off my tails I move as fast as possible in Orb's direction.

Most of the gryphons start flying in my way and blocking my path. As I try to fight through them all, I see the gryphons approach closer to Orb. Unable to do anything else I scream, "NO!"

Suddenly I feel spirit energy approaching Orb at high speed. Then I see arrows embedded in the gryphons. Looking in the direction they came from, I see Atalanta holding her bow.

From her bow, she fires more and more shots taking down many of the gryphons until the gryphons start targeting her instead of Orb.

Φ That should take care of that, now onto the next issue; the broken-spirited man over there. Walking over to Cyrus I say, "Could you please help us? Because if you don't, I might get eaten."

"If I try, I will just fail a-a-a-again. I might be better to get e-e-e-aten."

Huh, this really isn't fun. Annoyed, I pick Cyrus up by the collar and say, "YOU LITTLE CRY BABY, YOU MIGHT BE OK WITH DYING BUT I AM NOT. IF YOU WANT TO DIE DO IT ON YOUR OWN TIME, but right now you're about to let everyone else die while they are fighting to go see your sister."

Making him stand I say, "So stand up, clench your butt cheeks, and scream from the bottom of your soul, YOU HEAR ME."

Following my instructions, Cyrus lets out the largest roar we have heard today. All the Gryphons have completely stopped in their tracks, and Orb starts to wright in even more pain. Then Cyrus jumps off of the ship into the air, and the force of his jump causes the ship to shake.

"That's just scary how strong he is."

Φ Moving in the air I activate my legacy on my sword, then I use it to create a stream of darkness following it, then manoeuvring my sword around I cut all the remaining gryphons in half. I expand the darkness upwards and do a giant downwards slash cutting the large gryphon down the middle.

Φ Cyrus really is strong, I want to fight him. No, Suzuka, control yourself. Suddenly I hear another roar and I see that one of the Gryphons is charging right at the ship. Cyrus missed one.

Φ Using my bow, I shot five arrows directly at a gryphon approaching our ship, all of the shots land directly in the head but the gryphon keeps going until it smashes right into the ship.

Panicking, I hear Iancu say, "Don't worry, right as it hit I used my legacy to soften the blow. Though we still took some damage."

"I see that's good."

Landing on the ship with Orb, Suzuka walks over to give me a hug saying, "Sissy you were so cool."

"Oh, what a cute little munchkin you are. But let's see what the useless person over there has to say, you hear that Orb."

Taking his hands off his head Orb says, "Suzuka you fought wonderfully even when overwhelmed, Cyrus your power and bravery never cease to amaze me, and Iancu even in your damaged state you still managed to hold your legacy while fighting with us, I am truly thankful that all of you were here for me."

Happy from Orbs comments they say:

"Of course, I did, because I am amazing."

"Th-h-h-hank you Orb."

"Stop with the compliments, I just did what I had to do."

Tapping Orb on his shoulder I ask, "What about me?"

Turning his head to see me, with a smile he says, "Umm who are you again?"

As I try to attack him Cyrus holds me back. "I took down half of the gryphons, and saved your life, yet you're still being mean to me."

Φ Walking over to me Suzuka says, "Orb she did save your life, you should at least say thank you."

"Sorry I cannot. It must be my consanguineous stopping me, because I quite literally can't do that, the very idea of me saying anything nice to her opposes the very laws of nature, it is an utter impossibility, a true contradiction, it is simply a law of nature, a law of existence itself and if I tried to go against such a universal law that simply would be madness, wouldn't it."

"You really just couldn't say thank you," Iancu says.

Walking onto the deck of the ship, Avram says, "You guys can leave that for later, right now we need to get this little one to bed. Iancu looks like he is about to pass out, so we need to find someplace to rest."

"So where going to fly down?" Atalanta says.

"Use your head, if we did that and people saw a giant airship landing it would without a doubt attract unwanted attention."

"Well Orb, I don't see any mountains nearby to land do I you midget!"

"You're really arguing with a child, act your age."

Atalanta is about to charge at me, but Cyrus holds her back, "You little brat!"

Clapping his hands together, Avram says, "Atalanta isn't far off, just a little ways from her is mount lock. We should be able to rest at the top for a bit."

"No need for that," Iancu says.

"Do you not see yourself."

"I can go just fine. If we have to stop on mount lock it will take longer for Cyrus to see his sister, I can hold out for another few hours. Let's head straight to Jedidiah."

Walking over to Iancu, Cyrus says, "T-T-Thank you, but I can wait just a little longer."

"Alright, that settles it to mount lock we go."


Φ "See, it is right in the distance Anto."

"It really is massive, Mime."

"There are so many high-quality objects in sky dust."

"It almost makes me want to drool, Mime."

"So now it is finally time for the both of us."

"To get filthy rich!"


Φ Looking straight ahead of us I see countless glowing objects in the sky, together with everyone else on the ship I stare excitedly into it all.

Walking up to us, Avram says, "Mount lock is a giant mountain which is packed full of dangerous wonderbeasts, but more than that it is packed full of millions of rare materials."

"All the wonderbeast you see down there like the Drillkylosaurus, the Bashbex, and the Slastis, break down the materials which are carried in the strong winds up towards the top of mount lock."

As the ship ascends Avram says, "Iancu if you would please."

"Don't worry dad, I have already lowered the air resistance.

Moving to the top of the mountain, we see that the sky is completely covered in all these different coloured materials. Noticing they are all being drawn somewhere I look over. I see a large city with giant wing-shaped pillars in the formation of a circle outside it constantly spinning, and in the center of this city is a tower with spirals all around it.

"The giant winged-shaped spirals attract in all the materials, which are sucked into the sky forge in the middle where they are all compressed in countless different materials. Due to all the materials that the forge can produce a city naturally formed around it, and that is the crafting city Sky dust."

Moving our ship we go over and prepare to land in an open area down there on the mountain. The moment we do we are attacked by a group of wonderbeasts, so with everyone we deal with all the wonderbeasts around us until we are safe.

Going back onto the ship, we convene for a meeting. "I put Iancu, and Elia to bed, so they should be rested up in about a day."

"So where stuck here for about a day, I guess that is enough time to go look around the city. Who wants to come?"

Cyrus, Suzuka and Atalanta put up their hands. "Ok Cyrus, Suzuka, let's go."


Turning to Avram I say, "Don't any of you guys want to go."

"Unlike Elpída it is a lot harder for people like us to walk around in the open down here, so it is better for all of us if we just stay on the ship."

"Don't worry about that, if anyone has a problem, I will just smash their faces in."

"The thought is nice, but I wouldn't want to start any trouble over something so minor. But if you want to help me, Orb would you be able to go get some material to help fix up this ship a little."

"I will, it's a promise."

Name: Drillkylosaurus

Height: 200 cm

Type: Wonderbeast, herbivore

Description: It is a quadrupedal wonderbeast. Their entire body with the exception of their underbellies. The most noticeable thing about them is their tails function like drills which will pierce any material they come in contact with.

Fact: It is believed eating their tails will expand dick size, so they were quite severely hunted.

Name: Bashbex

Height: 150 cm

Type: Wonderbeast, herbivore.

Description: A goat-like wonderbeast that is covered in hard Armor which allows it to bash and break the hardest of stone for the water trapped inside. It has horns on its four feet, the horn allows the it to grab a hold of rocky terrain

Fact: They will never go to sleep during the month of Capricorn.

Name: Slastis

Height: 230 cm

Type: Wonderbeast Omnivore

Description: A bug wonderbeast with six legs and four arms, its light body allows it to be pulled with the wind allowing it to cross great distances and it legs allow great manoeuvre when on land. With its four arms it has sickles at the end of each which is used to cut stones and enemies into pieces.

Fact: Like to torture other animals and uses their corpses to sexually pleasure themselves.

Side story

Φ Staring at all the little kiddies playing, I start drool. Feeling a blow to the back of my head I turn around and say, "Sugiru why did you hit me?"

"Sorry Ai, my body naturally hits creeps."

"Are you still angry at me, I said you could come back home for a break."


"I heard that."

Suddenly I hear a large cry, "What the hell was that?"

Running over to the source I see a ship. "No, I think that is a spirit. What the hell is one doing here? The only answer is that Orb and his friends who brought this thing here."

Walking over to the spirit I see it continue to cry. "The way it is irrationally crying from the bottom of its heart, it is almost like it is a child."

Touching the ship I say, "If they have left you, how about you come with me."

Looking at me the ship's tears stop, and it starts laughing with joy.

Spirit Mayoibune Acquired.

End of story