Arc 8.04

Φ Using my bow, I shoot the Cobra wonderbeast that was trying to eat Anto. That stupid kid, he really went and messed up and now I have to rescue him even though I have my own problems.

Turning my head back to face the problems in front of me, I stare at the whole pack of lightning jackal wonderbeasts in front of me. It seems that one I shot in the legs sent out a beacon which called a whole army of wonderbeasts to come to find us.

Seeing sparks coming from the horns of the jackals, I use spirit energy and dodge to my left while shooting arrows at them. Animals can't use spirit energy so reading their moves is a pain in the butt. Still, not in my lifetime has an animal managed to best me.

While moving around I shoot arrows to kite them in one direction, if I let even one of them get behind me I won't be able to deal with lightning from different directions.

That's good they are moving exactly how I want, now all I have to do is wait for a good moment. Seeing the moment I say, "Now is the time to strike." Releasing an arrow, I manage to pierce through the heads of five of them all at once.

Five down fifteen left.

"ATALANTA!" I hear Orb shout,

Turning around I see Orb has escaped from the barrier of ice he has made. From the top of the barrier, he shouts, "SOMETHING IS BENEATH YOU!"

Putting spirit energy in my legs I lunge backwards narrowly avoiding a large mouth coming out from the sand. As the body attached to that mouth comes out of the sand I see a crocodile-like wonderbeasts.


Hearing Orb's words I continue to lunge away as more and more of the croc's appear out of the sand while trying to bite me. Dodging this is a pain especially since I have no idea where they are coming out from.

While caught up in dodging I see in my peripheral vision sparks forming on one of the jackal's horns, so as fast as I can I tilt my head out of the way barely dodging the lightning. "That was close!"

Shocked by this I fall to the ground and try to regain my breath. After a moment, I look around me to see all the croc's have disappeared and that all the jackals have me surrounded. My worst-case scenario is happening.

No, I can still turn this around, depending on who attacks me first I can survive this. Will the croc's strike first or the jackal's?

Waiting for the attack of my hunters I stand completely still in hyper-focus ready to counter at a moment's notice.

Suddenly all of the croc's appear from around me ready to pounce. They have completely surrounded me from all sides, and are too close and spread out for me to get shots of my bow off. Maybe I could jump up and dodge, no the jackals are already forming sparks, the moment I jump they will kill me. "Oh no, I'm dead."

Just kidding. I got the best-case scenario! Using my bow I switch it from bow mode to sword mode. The upper and lower limbs of the bow join in the center forming a blade, then pouring spirit energy into my bow I cut off the head of all of the croc's with one powerful swing.

As their bodies fall, I grab all of them and pulls them close to me forming a shield. Then when the lightning of the jackals is shot at me, I can hide behind all of the croc's.

After lightning is shot at me, I use the cracks in between the croc's to shoot arrows at the jackal's taking them out one by one. They can't see the direction of my shot from behind the gators, so every single shot is a hit.

Φ Atalanta seems to be doing fine, but the bigger issue is Cyrus and Anto. Anto is unconscious while Cyrus is just sitting there and letting the armoured wonderbeasts run over him, though the wonderbeasts don't seem to be doing any damage to him. Dragon strength seriously is no laughing matter.

Still, I can't let Anto get hurt so I need to finish things up here first. Manoeuvring my way at the top of my ice barrier I continue to dodge all the lightning blasts from the bugs, and then when I see an opportunity I jump high into the air.

In the sky I turn all the ice into snow, it falls down and covers all the bugs then I shape and turn all that snow into spikes of ice capturing or killing all the little bugs.

Falling to the ground I see something in my peripheral. "Oh, come on what now!"

Not wasting any time, I create a bunch of snow as I fall preparing to freeze the feet of the next wonderbeast. When I land, I see a giant wonderbeast running towards me.

When I smell the wonderbeast I say, "Willow!" The beast smells like willow the 2nd. Taking a good look at it I see it has five great horns like willow the 2nd, but there are a few noticeable differences.

First, it is covered it is black and covered in golden reptilian scales. Second it is bipedal, unlike the quadrupedal willow. Third, it is as large as willow but slimmer. Though most noticeable is the two large blue horns appearing out of its back.

Willow was incredibly good at adapting to his habitat, so I guess this wonderbeast did the same which is why it looks different. Composing myself I try to rein in my excitement as I say, "Willow looks like I found you a friend!"

Quickly I turn my snow into ice which freezes the beasts' feet. Using my legacy on my feet I blitz towards it to attack. "Sorry, this might hurt a bit."

Before I reach it I see sparks form at its horns so I prepare to dodge away. But they don't form a single lightning bolt instead it forms miniature ones that fly all around it.

With my senses, I am able to predict and dodge accordingly, but as a lightning bolt flies across my face I say in terror, "I need to change my approach."

Stepping back, I use my legacy to create a great wave of snow towards the wonderbeast. Then using snow boost, I quickly scurry around the side of the beast.

Using its lightning it quickly vaporizes all of the snow coming at it but in that time, I unfreeze all of the ice around his legs and turn it into snow, then after moving it all together I clump it up into one giant pile then freeze it all again causing a giant ice spear to stab the wonderbeast in its underbelly.

After I do this the wonderbeast lets out a roar of pure pain as it falls to the ground. I sort of feel kind of bad, but if you are actually like Willow some food should be enough to help you regenerate. "Now the final step of making you docile is to break off those lightning horns."

Running towards the front of the wonderbeast I use my legacy on my arms then with my claws break one of its five horns. "Four more to go."

Suddenly I hear something coming at me from my side, so I lunge backwards and see it was water flying in my direction. As the water follows me, I freeze it solid, but from my left side water comes at me so I do the same.

Freezing both of the streams of water creates so much ice around me which obscures my vision. But I can still hear the lightning bolts forming so I move to the right dodging the lightning as it hits my ice.

Getting a good look at the wonderbeast I see that the two giant horns on its back are producing water. The water from one of the horns is being used to break the ice spear I pierced it with. While the other horns water comes directly at me to attack.

The instant the water approaches me again, I create large ice spikes all over the ground, but when our attacks meet the water breaks the ice. Dodging I say, "Let's see how you handle this."

When the water comes back at me, I stick my hand inside the water and try to freeze if from the inside out. While my hand is in the water I start to scream out of pain, this pressure is ridiculous, but I can still do this.

The moment I start to freeze the water, I feel a little shock go through my hand quickly followed by an intense one that's completely shocks me. While my body is being run through with lightning, I completely freeze the water stopping the shock.

As I recoil, I look over at the wonderbeast and see that it has made a giant orb of water then it strikes the orb with lightning. The orb breaks into many different small blasts, which are fired towards me at incredible speeds.

I can't create barriers of ice because the pressure will blow right through it, and I can't freeze the water from within without getting shocked. This is really bad.

From directly behind me I see arrows fly and hit the wonderbeast in the eye. Turning around I see Atalanta surrounded by a group of dead jackal-like wonderbeasts.

"Orb do your thing, I will support you, but you owe me one!"


Lunging forward I dodge all of the wonderbeast's attacks while Atalanta shoots the wonderbeast from afar. Due to the both of us attacking at once the wonderbeast can't fully focus on me, so I continue to dodge and dodge until I get closer, then eventually I reach my target the wonderbeasts knee.

When I get close enough, I snow boost towards it then I stab my claw into its knee then create a giant amount of ice to snap it off.

While the wonderbeast fall down I manoeuvre my way onto its back and freeze the two giant water-producing horns, then snow boost my way to its front where I cut off all of its remaining horns.

Putting my hand on its head I say, "What should I name you?"

Getting kicked in the side I fall over and hear Atalanta say, "Don't we have more pressing issues?"

Looking at her I see she is pointing at all those wonderbeasts running over Cyrus repeatedly and doing no damage. "I guess we do."

Getting up from the sand I hear something underground, so I shout, "YOUR REALLY JUSTPLAYING WITH ME RIGHT NOW!"

Right under where Cyrus is an enormous wonderbeast erupts from the ground. As it comes up from the ground it dives right back and then pops out again. Looking at it the wonderbeast looks like a centipede, but it is ridiculously long, it might even have more body mass than that giant bird from Skydust.

As it fully appears from the ground it starts directly down at us with an overwhelming glare. "Now this is extraordinarily bad."

Name: Tiritrex (Version Jedidiah)

Height: 12m (MAX)

Type: Carnivore, Wonderbeast

Description: A black bipedal beast with five horns covered in golden reptilian scales. It is noticeably slimmer than the Fimbluwinter version, and it has two large blue horns appearing out of its back. It can produce water out of the two giant horns on its back for hunting or just to quench its thirst. But the most dangerous thing about this wonderbeast is its ability to create lightning from its horns.

Fact: Can adapt to any and all situations if given enough food. They can shrink to heal faster.

Name: Salidile

Height: 180 cm

Type: Carnivore, Wonderbeast

Description: A large reptilian wonderbeast. To many it is indisputable from a crocodile, with the only difference being its golden scales which seem to form some kind of armoured shell on its back.

Fact: It has the ability to burrow and swim in the sand which also it to get the jump on many different types of animals and wonderbeasts