Arc 8.40


3 Years later

Feeling a peck on my face I open my eyes to see Katk is attacking me. Sitting up, I say, "What's wrong girl?"

Katk using her wing points towards the balcony, so I say, "You want me to go look?"

Katk nods her head up and down, so I get up and walk over there, and as I walk, I start to hear sounds which increasingly grow louder. When I reach the balcony, I see lots of fires all around the palace.

"What is this?"

Then Katk comes in front of me and from her third eye, it projects one of her memories.

In the memory I see a group of swine heading for the palace gates, but shockingly there are soldiers with them.

Then behind all of them on a platform, I see Vizier Thueban, shouting, "For far too long have we let those demons we call our rulers destroy us!

We are the people of this country, the very lifeblood that keeps it afloat, yet they have allowed us to starve to death, and live in disease-riddled homes, while constantly forcing oppressive law after oppressive law upon us!

So as the very soul of this nation let us cleanse all of the filth that is polluting it, Stand up my people and TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS!"

As the memory stops playing, I start to freak out. "Why is Thueban doing this? We have always allowed that swine to stand next to our exalted family, he has even be given the right to eat our scraps.

We are the rulers of this nation; all you swine exist solely for us yet you would do such a horrid thing as invade our home. Trash, trash, trash, trash, trash, YOU'RE ALL TRASH!

Regaining my bearings, I say, "I got to find father and mother."

Grabbing Katk I run out of my room at full speed, I need to escape. Using Katk as a scout I am able to manoeuvre my way through the palace and hid.

Turning a wall a bump into someone, and then we both say, "Who dares run into a higher being such as myself!"

Opening my eyes I see that it is my father who I bumped into, with my mother and three soldiers close behind. Seeing them I run and hug my mother's leg while saying, "I was scared."

Kicking me off, my mother says, "We don't have time for such things we need to escape."

"Swine, pick him up and hurry."

"But Katk hasn't returned yet."

"BE QUIET. Do you really think we have time for a stupid bird!"

After the soldiers pick me up we run deeper into the palace, until we reach the area leading to the underground.

As we run through the long corridor, my father says, "People like us shouldn't be in such a situation! Why does someone such as myself have to perspire over the actions of some insignificant beings!?"

"I swear when this is over I will carve their children into shoes for myself."

Suddenly my father says, "Where here," as he takes a turn right. But the moment the soldier carrying me in his arms also turns right, I see my father and mother standing still, and in front of the large door at the end of the corridor is Thueban.

"How are you doing, my former king."

"YOU TREACHEROUS TROGLODYTE. Do you even know what I have had to go through thanks to your antics? A hundred deaths would even begin to pay for your sins. Soldiers attack him!"

The two soldiers whose hands are free run up to attack Thueban. Then out of nowhere, a person in a black cloak appears out of nowhere and suddenly both of the soldiers disappear.

In that moment my eyes open wide, and I take in everything before me. The person is wearing a black cloak with gold linings, with a grey mask to cover their face. The cloak is so big that I can't make out the body shape, but one thing I do notice is that the person has a child; about my height, on their shoulders in the same clothes.

After I finish staring at the cloaked person, I look for the two missing soldiers and on the far right and left walls I see two blood splatters. The soldier where sent flying into the wall and died.

Afraid my father falls to the ground, which causes Thueban to laugh then say, "Now why would I have to pay for my sins, since from this moment on I am the new ruler of Jedidiah."

Angered, my father says, "I am the king of Jedidiah, you must be insane if you think you can take my place."

"But am I really? Because haven't I been ruling this whole time." Walking closer to us he says, "Who is the one that has been in charge of all the systems in Jedidiah? Who is the one that has handled all the imports and exports in Jedidiah? Who is the one that commands the army in Jedidah to forcibly enforce all the policies that he writes up by himself? And who is the one who has the hearts of all the people on his side?

Up until now, I have been running this country, in all responsibility I have been its ruler. But I have had to answer to ignorant, lesser beings such as yourself this entire time and I have finally had enough of that. So, with the strength of the people by my side I will remove you from your throne."

Frightened, my father says, "So you believe yourself to be a hero of all these swine. You look down on those insects as much as I do, soon enough they will come nibbling at your feet like they did at mine."

"If you think I respect the idiots who live out there even a little you would be wrong, each and every one of them is an inferior beast who shouldn't even breathe the same air as me.

But unlike you, I at least understand that wild animals are dangerous. They need to be kept satiated, so they don't lash out, and you have failed at the simple task. Unlike you, I will feed my beasts and turn them into weapons which I can use for myself.

A perfect example of this is our current situation. Every single one of the laws I had passed for my own benefit, have been rather annoying to all the people, so one would think they would possess some anger towards me, but alas they don't and why is that? It's because they think all those laws are by order of the king!"

"I have never once suggested any laws to be passed!"

Sighing, Thueban says, "You truly are slow, so let me simplify this for you. As far as all the people out there are concerned, I am a poor orphan whose parents were slaughtered by your tyrannical rule and vowed to infiltrate your inner circle to one day restore the country to the people."


"Spot on, but the people believe that. Information control is what keeps rulers on their thrones. So, as you go to the afterlife, regret the fact you couldn't do such a thing."

"I didn't think you were such a fool Thueban. You should know what will happen if you hurt a bloodline of Lux, destruction will reign on the people and kingdom of whoever dares to hurt one of the family members."

In front of me, I see my father's hand fly vanish, which causes him to scream his lungs out, then moments later I see the hooded person in front of me.

In a casual voice they say, "The judgment of Lux, the curse said to fall upon those who hurt the family of Lux. But you see that is a misconception, the curse will only fall on those who erase a family of Lux, so as long as a single family member of your bloodline survives there is nothing to worry about."

Instantly, I appear to be in the hooded person's arms. Turning my head, I see the soldier who was holding me in now a blood splatter on the wall. Then the hooded person then reappears right beside Thueban with me in their arms.

"And my former king I have decided Ahmed will be the surviving member. Now how should we kill you; I will be taking ideas."

In front of me, I can see the panic appear on my mother's face as my father screams in pain. Then moments later my mother says, "Please spare my life I will do anything, even become your wife. I have pride in my unmatched beauty."

On the ground, my father says, "You bitch! After everything I have done for you!"


Standing up my father punches Mother with his good hand, and says, "You cheap whore!"

Thueban smiling says, "I will have to pass you old hag, you see a hero like me should have an untouched, younger maiden for myself and when I am king I will have a rather large amount of candidates. But the idea of sleeping with the former queen is rather tantalizing, so let's play a game, if you can kill your husband right here and now I will take you on as a backup wife."

Thueban throws his sword directly at my mother which she picks up. My father frightened says, "Do you really think you can betray me and get away with it, do you really think you could kill someone who you loved so much?"

Snickering, my mother says, "I never loved you."

As I try to make sense of the events unfolding before me the hooded person pulls me close, and I feel softness; is this a woman? "Don't look." As my face is in this woman's chest, I suddenly hear all the noise from where my mother and father are disappearing.

Thueban says enraged, "How dare you do that!? They were mine to kill."

"Be quiet human. I was in no mood to witness such a disgusting sight and don't forget if it wasn't for the insight, I gave you the judgement of Lux would have killed you all and the people in this country. Now take us to where we want to go."

Begrudgingly Thueban says, "Let's go."

As we walk towards the door to the underground, I try to move my head from her chest and look at my parents, but she pulls me closer and says, "Don't bother looking at such a sight."


After walking through the underground for a while we eventually reach a large door which has a strange symbol that looks like a clock gear.

Thueban says, "So this is what you are looking for?"

"Yes, it is and I would suggest you back up, otherwise you might die."

When we take a single step closer, I can feel my mind start to spin as an incredibly warped and sickly feeling overtakes my body. It feels like I am about to go insane.

The woman jumps back immediately grabbing me and Thueban. "I knew it was bad but not to this extent. Good thing I came prepared."

As I regain my bearings, the woman says to the child on her back, "Your legacy please."

The child on her back says, "Cover us." Then her cloak turns into a legacy and then a giant purple snake manifests from it and covers both of their bodies.

"This should negate the effects, now give us a moment."

The both of them charge headfirst into the door completely unaffected by the side effects. Nearly 3 seconds after they enter the door, I am kicked in the face by Thueban, who says, "Sorry, looking at your little face started to annoy me."

As I reel from the blow, he says, "Crawling on the floor like a slug doesn't suit an exalted being such as yourself, oh how I would have loved to see those two idiots you call your parents like this but nevertheless I will entertain myself with their progeny."

Continuing to kick me on the floor he says, "Now cry you little brat."

Covering my head, I continue to cry, until I hear a call from afar. Then moments later, I hear, "LOOK OUT, LITTLE PRINCE." Naji hits Thueban with a devastating punch sending him directly into the door.

Then looking up, I see my brother with Katk beside him. "Ahmed let's go!"