Interlude 2.37: The Animus family part 6


Location: Beast pens

Hiding a little bit away Dónal stares at all the slaves and says, "Now where is Charles?"

He scans the area with his eyes, but instead of Charles, he comes across Edward and his men.

Infuriated he says, "Those are the bastards that used to beat up Charles, how dare they look so happy! Scum, Scum, Scum, die, trash, die! If it wasn't for Charles stopping me I would have followed through with your assassinations."

Returning to looking at the pens, I look around the area and come across Nero and Mariana. Mariana is trying to get closer to Nero, and in response to this, he starts to run away at full speed.

"I swear those two humans need help. One obviously likes the other and they just keep running in circles. If I was him I would have already had her as my woman by this point."

Dónal falls into despair and then says, "Well I would do that if I had a chance, but I am never even going to get married. At best, they will use me as a political marriage chip to some old stinky lady!"

Cheering up, Dónal says, "Ow well, at least I have Charles!"

Suddenly the Merark jumped on Dónal and started to lick him. "I know, I know, I will also have you guys! Now time to look for Charles."

Staring into the distance, I say, "There he is."

Charles is sitting alone with a cow. "Why is he all there by himself?"

Standing up, I say, "Well I guess this means I should go over to him and make him feel better. YES, I WILL DO THAT!"

But as I prepare to go over there I see something. A group of people have come over to him and are talking to him, and as they do he smiles back.

Letting out a little laugh, I say, "Charles really is popular among the humans. Nothing like before."

Standing there I stare at Charles for a long time, then say, "He talks more, he has fewer bruises, he has friends, he has family, and I can't go calling him my baby boy anymore. Does Charles even need me anymore?"

I bad chill goes through my entire body, and I say, "It makes sense that a human would want to be around other humans. Maybe one of these days he might no longer want to see me."

I walk away from where I was standing and begin to move towards my dorms. "It was stupid for me to think, he would always be here. Don't all children have to leave one day."

As I speak I feel something horrible swell within me. So to escape this, I walk faster. "No, what was really stupid was me thinking I could be his parent, that I could be something in his life."

But it doesn't, so I walk faster but it still doesn't leave, so I run as fast as I can to outrun the pain. Then I screamed with tears running down my face, "I HATE THIS!"

I trip and fall onto the ground, and say, "This sucks, this sucks this suck, this sucks. For the first time in my life I have finally attained someone who wanted me, someone who needed me, and when I have this it is going to be taken away from me.

No friends, no family, no lovers, no dreams, no achievements, no respect, not even the child I raised by myself. I can't have any of it. Was I born just to lose!"

"Danu! Can't I just have one thing, just one for myself, without Charles, without him, I will crumble. I will have nothing else."

As I lay there and cry the Merark which has followed me closely starts to growl, then moments later it jumps into a bush.

Confused I get up and say, "What is going on?"

Then I walk over to bush where I see Charles restraining the Merark, saying, "Bad boy behave." The Merark calms down immediately, and I jump back in surprise saying.

"Dónal I have caught up to you."

"You were by the animal pens, why are you even here? No more than that, how did you even know where I was."

"Sometimes I feel a creepy chill down my spine, so that means you're watching me from somewhere."

"I'm sorry," I say with my head down. "But how did you catch up to me."

"Simple, I ran at full speed."

"WHAT! The distance was way too far for a human to run."

"I am really fast," Charles says.

The Merark that Charles just restrained jumps him and tries to lick him, but Charles knocks him on the nose, and says, "Nate be good."

The Merark instantly follows his words.

Looking at him, I say, "You really are amazing."


"It took me a long time to get these boys to listen, but you managed to do it in no time. You really are beyond me, if one would ask, they would never consider you and me to be family cause you're so amazing."

What the hell am I even saying, as this point, I am just rambling. "But I am used to that, because you see my siblings were amazing just like you and completely beyond someone like me."

I need to be quiet. "So it would make sense that they used to bully me, I am sure they would hate being attached to a useless tool just like me."

I truly am trash. "Of course, they would come to hate me and push me away. But it is my fault for being born, so if you need to leave don't hesitate to any time you wa-." I am stopped by a forceful impact on the stomach.

On the floor, I roll around in pain and then look up at Charles who is holding his fist in the air. "Did you just hit me?"

"Shut up," He says in a stern voice.

"Yes sir," I say completely compliant to Charles's words.

"Did that hurt?"


"Remember that's what happens when someone makes fun of someone I care about. No one gets away with that even if it is the person themselves."

"Charles that's very nice, but I am tra-," Charles hits me across the top of my head causing me to bite my tongue.

"What did I just say?"

Rolling on the ground in pain, I say, "Sorry, sorry."

As I stop Charles hands me something and says, "Here you go."

From Charles's hand, I take and see that what Charles had given me is a bracelet made from finely woven flowers.

"Happy birthday!"


"It is your birthday today, so I made you a gift. Mariana showed me how to do it."

"But I don't understand."

"You mean how I found out you're birthday. Simple every year I used to always ask you how many years it had been since you raised me and eventually I was able to find out when you're birthday was. It took a couple of years but I finally got to it."

As tears start to form in my eyes, I say, "No Charles, I was asking why would you give me something like this. I don't deserve it from you in any way, that's why I have never received a gift in my life, because someone like me has no right to accept this."

Charles hits me across the head again, and says, "Of course, you do since you're my family."

Kneeling down to where I am on the floor, Charles says, "I wouldn't have been able to survive if it wasn't for you looking out for me, all the happiness I have and will ever have is thanks to you.

I have lots of older brothers, and sisters, even a younger one. But I have only one parent and that's you Dónal. So please be happy."

As I stare at Charles I cry, then I hug him. "Their, their, Dónal you don't need to cry because you have done a good job."

I don't know a lot about this world, but I do know one thing; Charles is my everything and as long as I have this wonderful boy, I can keep going for eternity.

But that's not enough if I want to stand by him I will have to become someone who can also be a father to him, not a coward.

Charles backing up from me says, "So from now on I want to never catch you in Donial!"

Hearing his words, I stopped in my tracks completely as I realized Charles just told a joke. I fall to the ground and start to roll over while laughing.

Charles with a victorious smile says, "I knew I was funny. Nero must just not have any sense of humour."

As he smiles, I say, "You really are one of a kind."


Location: Beastkin Dorms

And if I want to truly be you're father I can't let you down in any way. Walking through the hallway of the dorms I come across Ryana and a whole bunch of other beastkin.

Looking at me Ryan has a cocky smile on his face, then says, "Thanks for picking up after us breastmilk, it meant a lot."

Getting close to me he puts his hands on my shoulder, and as he does my body tenses up. "Makes me feel nice and cosy, knowing that you will be here to pick up our trash, just like a good wife." Looking at my shirt, he says, "Are those lactation stains?"

Walking past me, he says, "Oh and we will be going to drink up northwest, so please come and pick up our trash when we are done. Thanks a lot, Mom."

As Ryan and the group behind him, walk down the hall Dónal says, "I won't be doing that anymore."

The group of beastkin stops, and Ryan says with a playful voice, "I think I might have misheard you could you repeat yourself?"

While turning around, I say, "I said I won't be acting like your mother anymor-."

As Dónal turns fully around he is smacked right on his face by Ryan, which knocks him directly into the ground.

Dónal holds his cheek and looks up at Ryan. He breathes rapidly unable to control it, and he is shaking like a scared little child.

Ryan kneels down to his level, and says, "I was being nice the first time allowing you to correct yourself breastmilk. I knew you were weak like a woman, but not that you're head was just as empty as one."

"I'm sor-,"

Grabbing my neck, he picks me up and puts me against the wall. "No, no, no, it is too late for that, I gave you a chance now it is time for punishment."

As he chokes me, I start to struggle but I can't break free. Am I going to die here? I start to hold the bracelet that Charles has made for me.

I can't die here, not now, not yet. I owe Charles a good father.

I have been beaten to near death countless times so I know the difference between someone trying to kill you and not and Ryan no matter what he says or does is just playing. At the end of the day, he is still scared of my Red branch title.

Rats are garbage animals but even they have their skills. I soften all the bones in my left leg, then use it as a whip to hit Ryan directly in the balls.

As he drops me he screams in pain and I regain my breath.


"NO how fucking dare you. I am a Fuinseog, I am not on the same level as daily trash such as you. You can insult me, hit me, or laugh at me, but that won't ever change."

Standing up, Ryan says, "You think I won't kill you?"

"I think you have a brain and know that if you touch a single hair on my head, all you're family members down to the youngest child will die with you."

With a smirk, Ryan says, "Do you really think you're family cares enough to do such a thing for you!"

"This isn't about care, it is about pride, and my family roles in it. I have faith in the pettiness of my siblings, that any form of embarrassment will be faced with destruction towards the aggressor."

Taking off my clothes, I show them all the scars I have, then say, "And my siblings no just how to hurt you enough while keeping you alive, so I can guarantee your torture would be slow."

In front of me, all the beastkin have frightened scared faces, so I say, "Hear me, then send word far and wide, that every single one of you better be on time to work every single day. Because if you don't I will be reporting you're transgressions against a member of the Fuinseog family."

Turning around, I say, "And from now on, all the fully paid work that has been done over the last three years will need to be paid back in full."

Ryan says, "We don't have that money."

Turning my head around, I say with a smile, "Then I guess I get free labour till it is paid back. Looks like the plantation has just gotten some new slaves." With that, I walk off.

As I walk I smile, then say, "I did it, I did it, I did it." Then I stop and vomit out my guts.

Sickly, I say, "I still did it!"