Arc 10.23: A day of joy part 1

Location: Abais Castle

Φ Entering another set of giant doors, I see a ridiculously large table in front of us a circular one, covered in vines.

And sitting at the top of this table is one of the ministers we met yesterday, Cultúir.

With a pleasant smile, she says, "How wonderful it is to see you accepted my invitation."

It was an invite? If felt more like they were telling us we had to go here.

Composing myself, and getting on my tippy toes, I say, "It is a pleasure to be here as well."

As Cultúir is about to say something, Willow looks at me strangely and says, "Where did this Maple come from?"

Proudly, I say, "Certain forms of training have been passed down so the village chief could deal with outsiders well."

"How enthralling."

"Don't say such things about me," I say hitting Willow repeatedly but lightly in the chest.

Suddenly the maid behind us coughs, and then we stare back at Cultúir who looks less than pleased at us ignoring her.

"It must be fun to be young and in love."

"You don't have to be bitter just because your husband cheated on you Cultúir," We hear a voice say from the sky.

So we look up and see Dumnorix strung up on the roof with pixie flying around him.

Willow asks, "What is he doing up there."

"His antics yesterday caused all of us some degree of mental strain, so I decided to leave him up there with no food for a few days, but it seems that was a bit to easy."

Taking a piece of cutlery from the table, Cultúir throws it up and hits Dumnorix in the stomach. "Bleeding out while he hangs will be a much more appropriate punishment."

"Won't this make his blood fall on the table?"

"Oh, you won't have to worry about that."

As his blood drips down, a vine from the table grows up and knocks it away. "This table is very capable of taking care of itself."

That feels like it would be a bigger distraction to eating than the blood dripping down.

Willow intrigued, asks, "How did it do that?"

"You see this table has been impeded with quite a few different types of plants and fungi. It was a heirloom passed down by one of the heads of the red branch back in their prime, apparently, it was a table that its owner commemorated more than anything else."

Willow sitting on the table says, "Then we better treat it with the same level of respect."

Following Willow, I prepare to sit down, but he gets up and pulls my chair out for me. I am embarrassed by this action, but having to compose myself I keep quiet and sit down with grace.

Staring at Cultúir, memories of the conversation me and Willow had last night flow into my mind.

-Last night-

"Willow, I think we should be careful when going ahead tomorrow."

"Why the big lovely fluffy angel that gave you a rub while leaving me alone, said everything would be ok?"

I feel that Willow is slightly jealous that I got to be touched by that big hand. "It is just that I feel despite his and all the other's promises that they might try to gain from us."

"Why would they, these cute, wonderful beasts, are just like our village I am sure more than anything they would want to get us to leave immediately."

"But they aren't like us Willow, our people chose to leave, and theirs was forced to be here. If they figure out, they have a chance to leave, I don't know what they would do. There are many of them and only one was able to defeat both you and me."

Willow tightly grips his fist, not allowing Maple to see.

"But the worst thing is that when I was talking to Senán, I felt the same kind of fear I do when I am hunting, the fear of a beast looking at me as prey. They are all ready to pounce at the slightest show of weakness, so we got to be prepared and I don't know if I can do it."

 Walking up to Maple, I say, "It is the jump of the spouse to make sure the village chief is prepared, so have faith in me, and anyways I have some ideas for what we can do tomorrow."


From the table, two large vines appear and drop plates, and after these plates are open both me and Willow are blasted with an extreme aroma that makes my mouth instantly fill with water.

This looks utterly delicious, this smell, the look. I swear the food is quite literally shining right into my face, and begging me to eat it.

Cultúir says, "Please go ahead, and have eat your fill."

I wipe away the drool that is almost spilling out, and say, "I sure will."

Beside me, the table places two different pieces of cutlery down. Seeing them I am taken aback since neither of them looks like what I am used to. Where is the spoon!!!?

One looks like a small blade, and the other a small four-bladed weapon. The blade looks like it is used for cutting, but can't I also pick this up with it? But the four-bladed one is also quite sharp so I am pretty sure I could use it for cutting and it definitely can use it for picking this up.

Do I have to choose you to use over the others, like how some people in our village used spears or bows? But both weapons had different things they specialize in, this doesn't since they both look to do the same job.

 Wait, do we have to eat in some kind of order, in my village we eat the smallest piece of food first, and slowly work our way up to the biggest meats. Though Orb didn't follow that rule.

While I am lost in thought, Cultúir claps her hands and says, "Is this some kind of problem with the food?"

Fearing her finding out about my ignorance, I say, "No, not any problem."

"Then why don't you eat."

"I will."

As I quietly feel my mind explode, Willow says, "Hey sheep would you come over here."

He is unnaturally loud and rude, especially considering how much he would want the sheep-maid to like him. She rushes over a bit perturbed, and says, "Yes, what do you need me for?"

"I am not a guest of the grand druid."

"Yes, you are?"

"Yesterday your men injured my arm, so feed me."

"Feed you?"

"Are you slow? I said feed me!"

"R-Right," The woman says as uses both of the cutlery to cut apart Willow's food.

As this happens Willow passes me a glance. He really made himself look like the bad guy just to help me.

With a goofy smile on his face, he opens his mouth and takes the food the sheep feeds him. He looks so happy one would wonder if he has reached heaven.

Judging solely by the look on his face, I start to doubt that Willow did this solely for the reason of helping his wife.

Annoyed, I hit Willow in the stomach, and then giving the sheep maid my best smile, I say, "Please excuse us, my husband was being quite lazy, don't degrade yourself by putting up with his nonsense."

With a smile back, she says, "Right!" Then joyfully she walks away.

Now understanding how to handle the food, I cut the meat on the plate and then eat it; see I can act just as refined as the rest of you, don't underestimate me!

In the back of my tongue, the aftertaste of the food hits me, and it shakes me down to my soul. I immediately take another bite, then another one after that.

As I keep eating my form becomes less and less refined, as my carvings for another bite overtake my logic, and suddenly all the food on my plate is gone, and all that is left is a mess all over my face from my actions.

Putting both my elbows on the table I hold my head in frustration. I thought I had to be careful of my presentation, but the real trap on this table, it was so good I became a beast.

Cultúir across the table laughs and says, "I am glad you enjoyed it so much."

I could hang my head down low with shame, but that would simply be a lie looking across to Cultúir with pride in my eyes, I say, "It was beyond extraordinary. It truly was a divine meal, and I thank you for allowing me to partake in it," With mess still across my face.

Cultúir laughs yet again, and says, "Well if you like it so much, you should thank the chefs."

"But what about my friend, I was planning to look for them after this meal."

"Oh don't worry about that, we have already sent search parties everywhere to find them. We know this land far better than you do so please leave this task to us."

Thrown off a bit, I say, "Oh-ok."

Getting up, she says, "Now come along."

As both me and Willow get up I give him a glare, then say, "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I did that all to help you, and see by making myself the rampaging rude dog, you came off as a strong leader. Those maids have been looking at you with smiles since it happened."

"So you have been staring at all of those women?"

"How is that all you got from my words."

"Staring at woman, what a child you are."

"Says the one with food all over her face."

"Because I need to still saviour the taste, so I will be slowly licking the food off my face."

"Then why is your face red."

"Because I am embarrassed! Even though it is tasty my sense is telling me this behaviour is unacceptable and I just feel like a giant idiot."

Willow sighs, and then he kisses me on my lips, and says, "Look now we both have food all over our faces."

"Willow," I say as I stare into his eyes.

Behind the both of us, Cultúir coughs, then says, "If you two are done flirting I would appreciate it if the both of you would hurry up!"

Dumnorix laughs and says, "Your bitterness is tangible, but don't worry simply being around the chosen one such a myself will cure your from you-."

Before he can finish, Cultúir throws a sword that was hung against the wall towards him, then says, "Come, let's go."

Name: Willow Berk

Age: 15

Birthday: Sagittarius 7th

Hair: Light Green, short hair.

Eyes: Orange

Height: 181cm

Description: Orb's best friend, and husband of Maple Rian He is well loved around his home due to him being someone who takes care of others, some call him a natural-born leader. He has an intense love for animals.


Name: Maple Berk

Age: 15

Birthday: Sagittarius 1st

Hair: white (primary), gold (secondary), usually in a ponytail.

Eyes: Red(left), green (Right). She has a mark that looks like ♐︎ under her right eye.

Height: 167 cm


Name:  Gheorghe Dumitrescu

Age: 29

Birthday:  Taurus 11th

Hair: None

Eyes: Purple

Height: 200 cm

Description: A giant monstrous-faced man covered in orange scales. His scales are harder than steel. Together with Wadim and Ivana, they are known as the three idiots despite being smarter than most people.

Description: The current head of the village of Aplos. She is a very headstrong but bashful girl who loves all her people. But more than that she loves adventure.


Name: Elia Moonwalker

Age: 17

Birthday: Capricorn 3rd

Hair: It is Long, flowy, and Dark pink. She also has a yellow and black hair accessory.

Eyes: Unknown. She has a light blue and pink heart-shaped tattoo under her left eye.

Height: 174 cm

Description: She is a rather meanly blunt girl to the point where it is common for her co-workers to call her a bitch. Though they all admit that her advice is helpful. She is known for her vast amounts of knowledge and her childish love for all things technical.