Arc 10.62: Emain Macha part 2

-Some time ago-

Location: Strategy room

Φ Looking at the model battlefield in front of us, I hear Lugh say, "And that's our current strategy. Our enemies are all humans who have escaped from us in previous battles and have all joined forces in this area, so their destruction is critical. Humans who survive against us go on to inform other humans creating an avalanche of problems."

Surprised by what I just heard; I feel excitement.

Our enemy is situated in Terrafide surrounded by forest and mountains. They are in a castle, which has its back towards a giant mountain range. This mountainous area is filled with wonderbeasts and completely covers the northern, and western defence of the castle.

The eastern part of the area has a river flowing through it, though it is also filled with wonderbeasts and can't be used for sea travel.

The only way to enter the castle is from the south, but one would have to pass through a giant forest on their way to the castle, which is most likely set with traps.

Due to its position relative to the mountain, it is a giant chokepoint, so entering our armies through it will be an issue.

So our strategy would be to send a small part of Ronald Fuinseog army through the forest. They will act as if they are on a scout mission and then pretend to get caught which will cause the humans to attack them.

Fuinseog has the role of locating human settlements around the world and reporting back, and due to these humans having knowledge on us, they are sure to recognize that destroying that scout team is imperative for not getting found.

But since they haven't realized the Fuinseog have already found them out, they will think this is their first time finding them. So Ronald and his men will then engage the humans in a battle for some time, and lead them as far as possible from the northwestern point on the map.

They will do this, as they head towards the eastern sea looking for a way to escape. This strategy is heavily relevant on the Fuinseog's ability to fight a large number of humans without dying. I am strong but I wouldn't feel happy taking on such a role. But Ronald is said to carry some greater power.

During the time that Ronald is holding off the humans a strike force composed of many Lúcogadh men, and us will head towards the castle at the northwestern point.

We will quickly take it down while the major armies are fighting Ronald. This will cause the humans to either try and take back the castle or escape into the forest.

Regardless of which we will have the advantage. If they choose to leave all of our armies will be standing guard around the entrance to the forest, and now we can turn their chokepoint into our own.

If they choose the castle, all of our armies will move through the forest and box them in. Whether or not we win will be completely dependent on how fast, and quick we can rampage through their lines.

In all honesty, this whole strategy feels amazing for me and Setanta. Especially if Setanta will one day become the high king, this would be our first major battle and we are at the helm of it.

Around me, I feel certain glazes of aggression towards me. I guess that it does look suspicious that the leader of this joint army put his son in a place likely to attain glory, but still, we are going to be with the Lúcogadh main fighting force, so it will still be up to us to show ourselves.

Suddenly I notice something that doesn't make sense and then ask, "How are we going to breach the castle?"

Mairead holds up a giant red organic and spherical object, then asks, "Do you all know what this is."

"Luibh beads," someone says.

"Yes an innovation made by house Céilús, made true expert work, but they allow us to condense aspects of plant life into these little balls. Many of you have used them to instantly heat and cool water.

But then ones are far more experimental and far more powerful. It is an explosive that would be able to blow straight through a castle if we had enough, and we will."

Feeling excited, I turn to Setanta and say, "Can you believe this!?"

Instantly I see a stick with a note attached to it, so I grab the note and it reads. "I got bored the moment I learned I was a decoy, so I am leaving."

Decoy? Angered, I say, "SETANTA!!"

Everyone in the room looks at me, and I bow my head saying, "Sorry for the disruptions."

Ronald Fuinseog says, "What can of brat would leave our meeting during such a critical time."

Lugh ignoring the provocation says, "He headed out the door about five minutes ago, if you leave now you will probably find him quickly."

Darragh looks at Lugh and asks, "My king when did you notice that?"

"About five minutes into our strategy presentation."

Darragh has a stressed look on his face, which is mirrored by a similar look on mine.

Setanta look how you are making yourself look bad! Smiling, I say, "I will go get him and return him here."

Suddenly a woman's voice says, "Then let me accompany you."

Then moments later throughout the room shadows flow everywhere which scares most people in the room, except the few who know this presence. Lugh says, "So you have finally arrived."

"I have been in your shadow since you left Gorias castle."

The shadows start to pull me in and the same feminine voice says, "Now Ferdiad let us both go search for your brother of the spear."

-Present time-

Φ Seeing Setanta in front of me, I say, "What are you doing here."

"I got bored in the meeting, and decided to come check out the boys' troop."

With his tail, he cleans my tears and says, "Though it looks like they weren't as cool as I thought."

The boy removes Setanta's undergarments from his face, and says, "Do you know what you just did."

"Oh please I hope you do enlighten, I Setanta Ó Faoláin, son of the king of Gorias and, nephew to the high king of the empire of Louernia."

The boys' tone and facial expressions instantly relax at the realisation of who I am, and you feel the fear from them.

The one who stands in front of them all composing himself says, "I see so that means you came here to join the boys' troop."

He signals some of the other boys who are still training, and then says, "Well I will be happy to let you join."

Setanta says, "Your scent is all over Laeg, why is that?"

He sweats a little bit, and then says, "it was just a little joke, yet she started to cry like a child over such a minuscule thing."

"It wasn't a joke!" I shout.

But then he glares at me, and says, "Be careful what you say, because your lies have the ability to cause conflict between the red branch with your little mouth."

Feeling insulted I keep quiet, and then he says, "See, she was just throwing a fit since I rejected her. You shouldn't waste your time with the words of such a lowly girl."

Setanta looks a me, and says, "It isn't cool to tell lies Laeg. Everyone should be able to take a joke."

"Exactly," The boy says.

Hearing this I lower my head and grab my dress. I try my best to hold back my tears, but they start to fall to the ground.

Setanta says, "Look it was so funny that she is even tearing up, I definitely want to try and do a joke like that."

The boy says, "Then go ahead, I am sure it will be hilarious," with a joyful tone.

Instantly I hear a loud sound, and looking up I see Setanta has smashed his face into the ground with the palm of his hand and now he is squeezing down on his face.

Φ Pain flows through my face as Setanta presses and squeezes down on it and I say, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!"

"I am telling a joke; can't you tell by the smile on my face."

As he squeezes, I start to feel my facial muscles snap and my bones shake, so I shout, "THIS ISN'T FUNNY I AM GOING TO DIE!!!"

"Oh really. But Laeg didn't find your joke funny but you still called it a joke. So maybe a joke isn't defined by how the person feels about it, but how it causes the receiver to feel. But as you have said that's wrong, so let me enjoy my joke."

As he squeezes, I use my arms to try and pull off his arm, but I can't break his grip, this child is younger than me, yet he is far stronger. I am going to die, I am going to die, I am going to die, I am going to die, I am going to die!

Φ Kicking Setanta at the back of his head, I say, "Stop."

Turning to me confused, he says, "Why?"

Pulling him back, I say, "Because killing a member of the red branch is far too much."

"Didn't he!"

"I don't care what he did anymore, I am thankful for the fact that you would go this far for me, but killing him would only cause me more trouble."

Setanta makes an annoyed face, and says, "All that studying has turned you into Ferdiad. Are you really ok with that?"

Hugging him tight, I smile and say, "After that showing definitely."

Looking at Setanta pout like a child, I smile quite a bit.

As the other boys arrive on where we are some walk forward and say, "Do you know who we are."

"No, but I am sure you know my father Lugh Ó Faoláin."

All of the boys calm down with the exception of one, who walks forward, and says, "I am Ruairí Ó Éire, son of the king of Failas."

Wouldn't that make him one of equal rank to Setanta? I need to make sure Setanta doesn't cause more problems than he can handle.

"Hey I am Setanta," he says in a dismissive tone.

The house of Éire is a family focused on agricultural development and are the richest of the red branch. They lack strength in terms of war, but they substitute for that with diplomacy with large gifts. So if we don't attack him he won't bite back.

"I hope we can all ignore what has just happened and get along."

"Sure, but what about that boy over there."

Ruairí turns his head back and says, "You hold no grudge, right?"

The boy shakes his head up and down in fear.


Setanta looks down on him with a smug expression and I say, "Stop."

"Now Setanta, I assume you know to ask for protection."

"What?" I say confused.

Ruairí says, "To join the boys' troop, one must ask for protection from the boys' troop. We are a family after all, so we all look out for each other."

Setanta says, "Oh I see that's how it is. Go ahead and ask for protection."

Ruairí says, "I don't understand what you mean?"

"Well if I was to join I would be doing all the protecting since I am far stronger than each of you, so go ahead all of you ask me to take you under my wing for protection."

Every single one of their face turn sour at Setanta's cocky suggestion, and then Ruairí says, "That is a funny suggestion, but please don't kid. We all have received the finest training from birth and are all considered the next elite within the military force of our empire. Each one of us is a guaranteed general."

"I wasn't, and if you're not going to change my mind then I ask that you start asking."

"Ok then, we will change your mind."

Breaking out of my grip, Setanta says, "I will be right back."

"Don't kill anyone!"

"I won't, maybe."

I don't feel good about this.


Over the bodies of all fifty of the boys, Setanta says, "Now let me hear you say this."

"Please take care of us."

"I will."

I knew Setanta was strong but this is just far beyond what I thought was possible, Setanta is truly a monster.

But as my shock for this sets in shadows fill the area despite it being sunny, and a woman's voice says, "You really are a rascal Setanta."

Full of joy, Setanta says, "I knew you would be here!"

From the shadows Ferdiad and a cloaked figure emerge, and Setanta shouts, "Master Scáthach I missed you!"