Arc 10.92: Intersection between the future and the past part 7


Location: Ballroom

Φ As the music stops Laeg has an excited look on her face, and says, "I did it, I really did it, I danced!"

"I know you did, and you were every bit as enchanting as I expected you to be."

She headbutts my chest a little bit, and says, "Hey Ferdiad, do you have anyone you like."

"Well, I am rather fond of master."

Depressed, she says, "I see."

"But if there were a woman who my eyes couldn't leave, I would say it is the one in front of me."

She giggles in a nervous but excited manner, and prepares to say something, but is hit on the back by Ibar, who says, "Sister I need you right now!"

She turns around with fury and says, "I am busy!"

But to her surprise is the first son of Ruán and the next head of the Lúcogadh's Luath.

Bowing, he says, "I am sorry for interrupting the both of you, but I was just wondering if we could talk."

"About what?" I say stepping in between them.

Ibar says, "He wants to become a patron."

Looking at Luath, I say, "Why do you want to become the patron of the two who stole your family's position from you."

Luath says, "We believe we can have a mutually beneficial allegiance, but by no means do we wish to offend the Faoláins with our request."

Turning my head, to Laeg I say, "What do you want to do."

"For the sake of my village, I would like to talk to him."

Rubbing her head, I say, "Don't fall for any traps, and when you return we can continue our conversation."

She turns bright red and then walks away with Ibar and Luath. As they do I go to one of the walls, and stare at all those enjoying themselves.

While I lie against the wall, I feel some of my wounds ache, and soon I start to get lost in thought as I ruminate over the last battle I had.

There, and there, and there, and there, are all times I was moments away from dying. If I wish to be stronger, and secure my place among monsters with countless advantages I can't allow such a thing to happen again, I must be stronger, I must be perfect.

"Nice day isn't it."

I turn my head to the left and beside me, against the wall I see another man, one who smells like a snake.

I don't recognize him at all, so it is best if I just treat him with respect. "A rather wonderful one."

"I think everyone else must feel the same with the way they are satisfying their desire today."

"Isn't that a rather extreme way to say they are just partying?"

With a slightly confused tone, he says, "Over there Breandán Mc Ceallach is an up-and-coming merchant, and he has been making very clear advances at Fionnuala Ni Uidhir, whose husband very clearly neglects her. She is quite over in age and is falling victim to this young man who plans to use her for social climbing.

Mícheál mac Uidhir also isn't wasting this opportunity and is using it to talk to the youngest Fuinseog boy, and possibly try to marry his daughter off to him securing a connection to the red branch.

Over there, is Gráinne NI Chuilinn a single woman who killed her cheating husband over a decade ago. Of course, she made sure to make everyone think it was a natural death, but it is actually a fabrication. She simply runs an operation that traffics humans from plantations to lonely rich women, and it has been incredibly fruitful. She is trying to get the Fuinseog girl on board with this.

Ciarán Mac Carthaigh is an especially nasty one who completely stole their blacksmithing business from his partner leaving him crippled, and broke and even married his partners' daughter, now he continues to destroy his partner's reputation making it next to impossible for him to get work.

Of course, Ciarán makes sure that no one really knows the full story, and uses events like this to put money in the pockets of those who might find reason to expose him.

Many of them are filled with desire and will go to any means to gain whatever they want. Truly deplorable beings, but at the same time they are entertaining to watch rise, and inevitably fall due to their hubris."

I stare at the man with fear and confusion, then say, "How do you even know all of this?"

"I happen to be a gossip, it is a rather bad habit that has gotten me into lots of different issues. Though it is sort of rewarding to find out all of these little things about people."

"Then why do you allow these things to happen? You could stop them."

"You really are a Faoláin boy?"

"What does that mean?"

"The Faoláin love perfection in all they do, so things like corruption struggle to exist in Gorias, but if you think the other Red branch families are as nice you're deluded. As long as the high king doesn't catch wind many things can go without any intervention."

"How can you say such things without feeling sick?"

"Because from my experience, they always tend to self-destruct. Greed is a beast, and soon enough most of these people tend to let it grow that they eventually tell the high king soon enough. I simply enjoy watching that phenomenon."

"You're a sick individual, and I hope you know I plan to tell on each of them."

"I hope you do it would give me some entertainment."

"I have never seen someone make such an awful first impression outside of Setanta."

"I am just being truthful, it is best to start friendships with honesty."

"It isn't when you're an evil person."

"I happen to enjoy watching others rise as much as fall you know, seeing fools who think they are at the top falling makes for satisfying stories, but also seeing those who have restrained themselves fully unleash their potential is equally as enjoyable for me.

Setanta for example is a perfect example of this. A child born with countless blessings, but also born with complete apathy of the world that stopped him from utilizing it, but one day his outlook on all of that changed, and a monster was born who could bring about great change! I want to see what he births, and witness it with my own eyes."

"You say that but I am sure Setanta is the kind of person who would hate you with all his heart."

"My love is strong, I can watch and enjoy him from afar. Though the same could be said for many different people, compared to his greatness none can stand beside."

"You're overreacting a bit, a lord needs an army, and there are people who are ready to stand beside him."

"You're right about that, aren't you? There is Niall Ó Laoch, who is called the strongest warrior of your generation. Seán Ó Máirseáil the seafarer who despite his young age has mastered the tides.

Fionnbharr Ó Cumhaill, a genius who has truly accumulated vast amounts of knowledge leaving the rest of the druids in the dust. Then Peigín Ó Cathal who despite her young age is a master of defensive strategy. Not the mention the brother and sister Laeg NÍ Fergal, and Ibar Mac Fergal.

All of them prodigies born in the same generation as Setanta, and soon I am sure all of them will head to stand by his side and lead the beastkin into a grand new generation."

I grip my fist in rage, and say, "You're a really infuriating man you know that, it is like you want to become my number one enemy."

"I contest that statement, in truth, I wish to become your number one ally."

"Huh?" I say confused.

"Right now the fact of the matter is that you will be left behind, and soon all you had around you that has been built with your strength will crumble. Which will leave you in the same state as your father."

His words send a shock of terror throughout my body as the idea of ever becoming that man scares me to my core.

"Shut up you stupid serpent, I have heard enough and any more words from you will be grounds for a fight."

The man laughs a bit, and says, "I never expected to hear that from someone like you who respects authority."

Confused, I say, "Who are you?"

Donald Ó Fuinseog runs up and says, "Father, I didn't know you came."

"Please compose yourself, and walk like the next head of a Red branch family."

Turning to me the man says, "My name is Bricriu Ó Sealbhóir, the head of the Sealbhóir family, one of the Red branch, and I will make sure you aren't punished for this little transgression. Your thanks are unneeded."

As he walks away I grip my fist tightly and look down as the words he said play in my mind.


Location: High King's Chamber

Φ In a room with three chairs facing out a window staring at the moon, Setanta walks in and says, "The party is wrapping up and the people are leaving."

In the other two chairs both Medb, and Conchobar sit, and Conchobar says, "Now I guess we can celebrate our victory."

Medb holding up a glass full of wine says, "Now let us start."

All three of them sitting down judge the alcohol with no form of refinement then throw their glasses on the floor and then Medb shouts, "IT'S OVER."

Conchobar says, "I was wondering how long you were able to keep it together having to act like you actually have manners."

"Well unlike you I struggle to suppress myself, not every one of us is used to being dominated all the time. Though I guess King Fergus does do such a thing all the time."

"Please do not bring up the fact you're sleeping with my ancient father, I think I might throw up."

"Stop trying to make me out to be gross, you both would do the same if you had an opportunity to sleep with your childhood hero.

"I would never be so disgusting as to do such a thing?"

Lugh says, "If Scáthach came to your chambers in the night?"

"I wouldn't be able to restrain myself, "Conchobar says with a single moment of hesitation.

"Exactly," Both Lugh and Medb respond.

"It isn't the same, Scáthach isn't your real mother."

"What a cruel thing to say, she picked me off the street and raised me as her own, Scáthach is by all in intends and purposes my mother."

Lugh says, "Let's just settle with both of you being disgusting and uncouth."


Conchobar says, "You consistently picked and systematically made efforts to disrespect every single member of the Red branch in your youth."

Medb says, "You actively and consistently snuck into the high king's castle to deflower his daughter, and when he caught you, you say it was none of his business what his daughter does and he should but out."

"But now I am the most respected out all three of us, and am a father unlike the two of you."

Medb says, "When you die I will make sure to experiment on your body day and night."

"At least it will allow you to fulfil your lifelong dream of having my body to yourself."

"Conchobar I retract my statement please execute Lugh instead."

Lugh then with a slightly panicked expression says, "I just jest."

"Oh, it was just a joke now? Well unlike you I actually have some manhood, time to die."

Conchobar claps his hands together, and says, "Lugh do you like being alive right now?"


"Medb, don't you want to experiment with the Vánagandr."


"So this fight is over, and you will both stick with your mutually beneficial contract."

Lugh says, "The little crybaby if finally acting like a king."

Wiping a tear Medb says, "I remember it was just the other day he was crying into my shoulder saying he was scared of thunder."


Medb and Lugh both laugh, and then after a little bit Conchobar does as well as the moon shines brightly on the three of them.

In that moment one couldn't even see these three great Beastkin as their titles, but merely three old friends catching up.