Arc 10.96: Sharpening ones fangs part 2


The eleventh battle of this campaign was the sixth battle of the Faoláins and was called the Battle of the Shattering Storm.

Location: Castle of Pionek

Φ From the four walls the human soldiers within the castle repel the beastkin with great results.

Through the walls, they have placed a slippery substance to inhibit the beastkin climbing abilities, and they have huge metal gates stopping anyone from breaking through.

Finally, they rain fire down on all of the beastkin from above, with arrows set on fire. Their attacks are fierce and nonstop which stops even the strongest of beastkin from making any progress.

Looking into the distance the human general says, "My brave soldiers we are strong and unbreakable, and that is because right now every man, woman and child is working as one to fight back against our enemies.

They have been able to make no progress and soon our allies will come and strike them down! Trust in your allies, and trust in each other, because together we will never be defeated."

As everyone shouts for joy the general looks forward towards the beastkin, and using a makeshift telescope he says, "The winged beastkin haven't moved an inch since this battle started one would think he would have already made a plan for them to assault us since I don't see how they could get through otherwise.

Regardless I will just wait and be vigilant. Until those forces are dealt with we could still be defeated, so I must make sure to prepare for their eventual attack.

Still, it pains my heart that I already have to use all of these innocent who barely know combat for this plan of ours to get this far. I need to make sure as many of them live to see our revival as a race."

"GENERAL! One of my men shouts as he runs towards me.

"What is it?"

"The eternal moth knights they are alive."

Shocked the general says, "Really they are still here, they have come to save us!"

The man then points at the knights who are carrying the bodies of three brutalised tiger Fanalis.

And the soldier says, "I had heard they were all wiped out but it seems they hadn't."

"Have you spoken to them?"

"Yes, they told me they wanted to speak to you."

"Is that all they said?"

"Yes," the soldier says slightly confused.

The general walks past his soldier and whispers something into his ear, then heads down to the knights and says, "I am so happy you are all here."

"General, I am sorry but we don't have time for this. We need to plan a counterattack and for that, we will need an accurate breakdown of everything here."

The general says, "I see I will give it to you in a moment." Then he reaches for his side as if he is about to bring out a map but instead, he reaches for his sword and swings it towards the Eternal Moth knights.

They block it and say, "Why did you do that you fool?"

But before the general responds, the soldier who is holding up a shattered shell screams, "EVERYONE WE HAVE INTRUTERS WHO ARE DRESSED UP AS ETERNAL MOTHS!"

One of the knights looks at the general and says, "How did you know."

"If you think our level of security is so lax that we would simply trust anyone with the armour on then you are sorely mistaken."

The three tigers Fanalis who are tied up break free of their restraints and then head into the humans accompanied by the Eternal Moth knights and start moving towards the gate. But the humans beat hold them off.

The general says, "We might be weak but we won't let you break through us."

The humans shoot flaming arrows down towards the beastkin with no regard for each other, they willingly light each other on fire just for the sake of hurting the beastkin.

This savagery shakes the tiger brother, but then Síle says, "You got to keep calm, this level of desperation is common for those who are about to lose everything."

The tiger brothers soon collect themselves on the battlefield and return to combat, and as they do the arrows stop.

The general turning his head sees the flying beastkin has finally entered the battle and are attacking the archers.

He screams, "Half of you on the east wall move to cut down the beastkin. All those coming from the north wall move to cut them down as well, we can hold on we can survive all you need to do is keep fighting."

Suddenly he hears the sound of one of the gates opening, and turning to it he sees Setanta and Fionn the chameleon beastkin standing by the gate, and with all his strength Setanta, and Fionn raise the gate letting other beastkin in.


The thirteenth and final battle of this campaign was the seventh battle of the Faoláins and was called the battle of the Re:Order.

Location: Western flank

Φ On rocky terrain, Setanta and the rest of his squad fight alongside the Faoláin army, and as they do the air becomes so hot that one can barely breathe.

Φ Moving towards one of my Gealtaíogar, I strike the human coming for him down, and as I do I say, "Are you ok?"

"For now at least, but the amount of humans here is way too much."

Of course it is, to our knowledge it is the biggest settlement of them on the continent, that's why four full Red branch families are taking part in it."

"I know but still it feels like there isn't enough air for me to use."

I guess that big body of his requires a lot of air to move around with, he must feel like he is suffocating a bit.

"Take the rest of the Fanalis here and fall back a bit."

"But I can't, I still need to fight."

"That's an order! Unless you want to be known as the warrior who died due to humans breathing around him, I suggest you fall back."

He grips his fist, but then releases it and follows my instructions. With the rest of the Fanalis, he heads back, and I prepare to reenter the battle, then I lunge forward towards a human.

But to my surprise, the human is knocked out by Laeg and Ibar. They both move on and continue to fight against the humans, and as they do I look at the soles of their feet where I see a metal contraption attached to them.

"It seems the Lúcogadh's gave them a present." With the contraption they both fight using their innate leg power, and I soon join in.

The battle rages on for another 9 hours until the human castle is captured by another one of the Red branch armies, and as it finishes I turn to all my men and say, "Fantastic work everyone, but we are not done yet. We got to move around and look for any runaways, humans are numerous some might have escaped through the cracks."

My men let out exhausted groans of annoyance and I just clap my hands in then say, "Too bad your compliant hold no power here, all of you hurry and move on my beloved Solasmionna unit."

They all get up and move then I turn to Ferdiad and say, "Your weapon is the most worn out of everyone here you must have been going above and beyond."

Sulking Ferdiad says, "I guess you're right, or maybe I was just so unprecise that I couldn't handle my weapon well."

I hit him on the back a few times and say, "Don't downplay yourself Ferdiad, I don't want to be hearing these gloomy words coming from my right-hand man."

"Haha," he says with his same old gloomy tone.

I wonder what is bothering the idiot, maybe his hungry or needs some sleep, but it is not like he ever needed that before. I guess there must only be one thing.

Move to Laeg I pick her up and then throw her butt at Ferdiad, and as she lands on his face she says, "SETANTA WHO DROPPED YOU!?"

She then turns to Ferdiad and says, "Oh no I need to get off of you I am far too heavy."

As she raises Ferdiad also gets up and says, "You weren't heavy the pressure was perfect. In fact it felt amazing."

Laeg looks like she is about to explode, so I say, "Both of you go scouting together, while I head over here."

Laeg turns and says, "Setanta!"

Ferdiad with a little smile says, "Walking with Danu's sister is something that will make me feel a lot better."

As they get up and walk together, I put my arm around Ibar's neck and say, "Do you want to go spy on the two love birds."

Ibar says, "I know this is just another of your annoying little games, and should say no. But I really do want to see that!"

We both clap our hands against each other and go off to follow them.


Φ "So the Lúcogadh's showed us how important it is to raise and breed the horses well for the sake of getting the best out of them. A lot of the science behind the breeding of animals is super cool, and I think I might want to use it as another qualification."

"That's amazing, if you start both expanding your knowledge and refining it you will be able to increase your rank as soon as possible, I suggest getting into contact with the Céilús family to broaden your knowledge, I am pretty sure Setanta knows Medb's daughter so it would be easy enough."

"Thank you for your words, but on that note what else are you doing to higher your standing? Only one special skill can get you so far, so what else are you learning?"

A bit shy Ferdiad says, "Bureaucracy for the most part, if I am going to stand at Setanta's side learning how to rule will be important for reigning him in. I have already had many classes with Lugh's Coill, so I have my foot in many different things."

"That's amazing. Most Fir bolg would never dream of being in your situation, but you are. What an inspiration."

Ferdiad scoffs a bit, and then says, "That's only if I can remain at Setanta side."

As he says this a looks like it is one second away from breaking appears on his face. I need to change the subject or otherwise, he will continue to feel horrible.

"They also gave us training programs which were really effective at teaching us the skills we lacked. Ibar learned how to control better, and I learned how to move faster. It seems all of the knowledge the Lucogadh have accumulated on riding makes them really good teachers."

With a pained smile, he says, "That's fantastic."


As I am caught up in my own mind, I see a human run out of some trees to the left of us and stop right in front of us.

We both prepare to fight, but the humans say, "PLEASE TAKE ME AS PRISONER!"

As we both are confused by his action, we stand still and whilst we do this a giant axe comes from the forest and slashes the man's head off.

Then a voice says, "That makes 504."

From the trees, a bear beastkin with skulls arranged as a necklace around his head comes forth. He is wearing no shirt, is covered in tattoos and just has a lion on his back.

Looking at the human skulls I notice they still have some fresh meat on them, so I say, "Are those deserters? You know that's forbidden, we are to capture all of the humans after the battle ends."

The large man's claws suddenly appear in front of my face, but Ferdiad knocks me backwards in time and dodges as well, then says, "Laeg, I need you to be quiet for a moment. This man is a monster."