Chapter 3 - Payback

Ezra admired the half-crescent moon as thoughts swam in his mind. this peaceful place was the only little spot in that town that was unbothered by the pack war.

Yes, there was a pack war that was ongoing.

It was more like a cold war between his Val pack and Rio's Velveta pack. It was not something that started just a few days ago. this struggle has been going on for a very long time.

The war started when a river was diverted in this spot. Back then, the Val pack and the Velveta pack as one. His grandfather was the alpha and Rio's grandfather was the beta of the pack.

Everything seemed harmonious and all but after a few years struggles began. Rio's grandfather started to gain power among the masses. He wanted to be the alpha, so he challenged his grandfather. He craved that power so much.

His grandfather too was quite haughty. He underestimated the young man, who was always been his second. He thought it would be an easy win.

Things did not go as planned for either party.

The battle between the two ended in a draw. Both of them were equally powerful. They were unable to get the upper hand. A dire situation began. They both were on the verge of killing themselves trying to be the alpha.

The werewolf council intervened. A fifteen-day counsel was set up and peace was the main aim. But since both parties refused it. The council had no other way but to separate the pack into two. the river separated their land equally which made it so easy to give it to each alpha's

after Rio's grandfather was assigned a pack of his own, he was blessed by the moon goddess with the power of the alpha. From then on, he had become haughty as well. he wanted the whole pack to be under him.

His grandfather wanted nothing but to protect his territory at that point.

The struggle began. They would not outright shout and throw knives but in the back, they would use underhanded methods to fight with each other.

Rio Velveta who had inherited his grandfather's fucking blood had also inherited his annoying habit. From a young age, he could remember that guy causing a lot of problems for him.

From stealing snacks from his lunch bag to stealing his girlfriend he would do anything to annoy the heck out of him.

By this time, he must have been used to his antics. But Rio touched his bottom line. He actually liked that girl and, in the end, he still lost her to that maggot.

"Gods that Velveta assholes really know no bound."

Ezra had always been slightly softhearted. Even though rio caused him so much trouble, he never outright fought with him. but things were about to change. he wanted cold-blooded revenge.

He sat up with renewed passion.

"Why must I back out and let that asshole dance on my turf? I'll show him what the val pack is made of!"

He ran back to the pack house in his human form.

"Ezra!!!! You fucker!!" his sister still screamed loudly just as he got to the door.

"Shit…" it was last at night he really did not want to sleep in the fittest. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself for all the shouting screaming, and a few random objects that would be thrown at him.

"sister~" he threw open the door with a bright grin.

'Who would hit a smiling face right?'

His sister apparently would.

She slapped him right as he entered the house. "you fucker, get down here," she was slightly smaller than him even, so she got him on a choke hold and smacked the heck out of his back.

"Hiss that hurts. Don't hit me so much. I'm a delicate boy who is just turning into an adult! Hey!!"

Wiggling out of her hold was next to impossible. He just gave in and got the beating. But he was not at fault.

It was all that Rio's fault.

His apprehension of that guy became even higher.

'I will kill that guy… just wait, tomorrow is going to be epic,'

After hitting him a few times his sister released him. "are you still heartbroken? Gina called…" she softly whispered.

"don't talk to me about that sl…. Don't talk about her,"

He did not use any obscene words to scold her. Because his sister will start another bout of beating if he did.

"I'm just going to sleep,"

She pouted, watching him walk away like a whining puppy. "i'm sorry it didn't work out,"

"I'm sorry too," he mumbled and closed the door.

Ezra plopped on the bed. The hard edges of his diary bit into his back. He pulled it out and hurriedly wrote down in his new goal in life with passion.

"I will make Rio's life a living hell. Just you wait Rio Velveta I will come for you,"

The next morning, he woke up briskly and got ready for school.


Hearing the honk, Ezra grinned and rushed to the front door.

"Hey! you didn't eat anything," his mum rushed over to him with a plate of fresh toast.

Like a barbarian he stuffed them in his mouth and gulped down the orange juice. "bye mum…" he said whilst chewing.

She frowned. "Why is your son just like you," she mumbled, glancing at his dad who was in the same state of stuffing his face with bread.

Alpha Jan simply shrugged. "Because we have the same genes?"

"Because he learned from you," she slapped his head and handed him a fresh glass of orange juice. "Eat slowly,"

Ezra watched their loving exchange with a soft smile.

Honkkkk!!! "EZ! Man, we will be late!!" a shout came from outside.

"Shit," Ezra rushed out. "Bye mum dad,"

"Ezra wait," she grabbed the door open. "Son don't be heartbroken you will find a girl that is right for you,"

"ughh stop saying that everyone. I am not heartbroken!" he jumped into his friend's car and patted his back hurriedly. "let's go before my mother starts a lecture about love,"

The car zoomed out of his driveway.

"Heard about Gina," his friend Matio whispered apologetically.

"let's just forget about her," he sat down and secured himself with the seat belt. "Matio…. I have decided on something.. its going to be dangerous soooo are you willing to risk it with me?"

"What is it? Are we doing to try dr**s or anything? Let me warn you, my mama will not like it at all. She will beat the shit out of me,"

Ezra rolled his eyes. "Not dr**s. we are going to exact revenge on Rio,"

The car veered to the side. his friendly hurriedly stopped at the side of the road. "w-what did I just hear? Did I just hear your patience snap?"

"it's been long overboard. Let's show him what we Val's are capable of," he grinned widely.

Matio just gaped at him. soon his mouth quirked up in a mischievous grin. "You came to the right person my friend. Let's make his life a living hell,"