Chapter 14 - The pack meeting

By the time Ezra reached home, he was wiped. He plopped on the bed burping loudly. The pizza he had eaten had already been digested from all the roundabout paths he took home.

"Who was that creep? Should I just go and punch his face? No, what if it was that bastard's packmate? It would warrant war." He gazed at his ceiling with a slight pout.

The two packs were neighbors but there was a lot of heat going on between them. The pack was bound to happen any time and he did not want to be the cause of it.

The death and the bloodshed that follows a war... it's not something he wanted.

Sighing, he rolled over and lid on his stomach burying his face in the soft pillows. "Why does that pack even exist... agh… it's so annoying." Especially that annoyingly roach Rio Velveta.

He punched the pillow a few times.

"Ez," his sister opened the door with a bang. "Dad asked you to chop wood for tomorrow?"

He sat up with a glare. "Wood? Why? who?"

She rolled her eyes. "Did you forget what tomorrow is?"

"What is it?" he gazed at her peculiarly.

"Pack meeting." Saying so she walked away, leaving the door wide open.

"Fuck!!!!" Ezra gazed at the calendar. He had marked tomorrow in red. "how can I forget... shirt I don't have any legit reason to ditch it." Groaning he plopped back on the bed.

Pack meetings. It was the most tiresome to deal with. First of all, all the nearby packs will come together to talk about increasing safety measures and how to protect their identity from humans. Second of all. That fucking Rio will be there!

"Why does he haunt me like a ghost?"

He lugged himself out of bed to cut some wood for the doomed meeting. After all the barbeque needed a lot of fire.

He cut down a few of the old trees that had fallen over from the previous rain. He shopped them into fours and stacked them.

Quickly the stack grew so much that it stood like a mountain.

Wiping his sweat, he gazed at it with a pout. "Hope it's enough. Should I add poison mushroom or something in Rio's soup?" he talked to himself as he walked in.

His sister was in the pack kitchen.

The kitchen was big as a huge mansion. At least twenty men and women were working altogether to make prearrangement for tomorrow's meeting.

At the same time, a few adults were teaching the young kids how to escape into the safe house and how not to come out when it's loud outside.

This year it was their pack's turn to host the meeting. If things went haywire their pack would be in the most danger. So, they had to take precautions to protect the woman and children. After all, they were the future of the pack.

Ezra playfully grinned at the kids and ran into the kitchen. "I chopped the wood."

His sister gazed up with her brows raised. "So soon? Come here, marinate the meat."

He rolled his eyes but still, he walked in and started to help her out with the cooking chores.

Before they could realize it, the dreaded event came about.

Ezra was asked to take a leave of absence from school. early morning cars started to drive in. As the alpha's son, he had to greet every single pack alpha and their members which was taxing.

The two neighborhood packs from the north Forlon pack, the red moon pack arrived first with an entourage of twenty people each. Every single one of the youngsters was emitting a powerful aura.

Ezra did not lose out. He let off the alpha aura he had been hiding, asserting dominance over the younglings.

When evening rolled around, the dreaded pack arrived, the Velveta pack.

The car door opened and a frowning middle-aged man walked out. Alpha Velveta's face was stuck in a permanent scowl and a frown.

Just looking at him made Ezra break out into chuckles. But he controlled it all and maintained a stoic face as he greeted him. "Welcome to Val pack. Please come this way."

The alpha did not even stop to listen to him. He walked past him, hitting his shoulders.

Ezra froze. his wolf was growling at him to take down this man. gritting his teeth, he controlled his overwhelming anger.

"What? Got scared?" a soft voice whispered in his ear followed by a heated breath.

Era flinched back with a growl. "Stay back."

Rio raised a condescending brow. "Ohh looks like you're one to get easily spooked."

"Rio… don't make me want to murder you," he growled under his breath.

"Aww, come on, I was just playing around." Rio flashed a grin and walked in.

Ezra sighed loudly. Today was going to be a long day for sure.