Unusual visitors

Life was strangely silent for Ezio. After the incident with Astrophos, nothing really changed as he continued his daily routine. The butler was still the same as usual and its even more surprising to see that Cygnus was also acting like nothing happened. He thought that he would remain angry for a couple more days but it seems that he was wrong.

The man would still be early to wake up and bake in the kitchen and Ezio has fallen into the routine of helping him prepare the dough they would be using. At first, he even thought that the master was using magic to create those delicious delicacies only to be stunned, when he saw him working diligently like any other working people out there.

There was even a time when he almost forgot that the man was dangerous because inside the kitchen, Cygnus was quiet and every action he did spoke of his proficiency in the art of creating sweets. He was even particular with the taste and details of everything he bakes and at some point, Ezio realized that he was truly a perfectionist.

While helping him, the master would not yell at him when he made mistakes instead, he would only stare at him with his signature blank face. It was more intimidating than being yelled at. Cygnus would not even teach him so he had to rely with the butler. The butler would teach him then he would apply it the next day while helping Cygnus.

It almost felt like he was really working in a regular shop that he was even learning things from there. Then came up that wake-up call, something that told him that the people whom he was living with were not ordinary and that he was no longer ordinary.

Exactly three days after the incident, three people wearing blue cloaks that bears the insignia of the Magic Tower appeared not far away from the entrance to Moonvale. The mayor was waiting for them with a wide smile plastered on his face. These guests did not hide their presence, they came in broad daylight and even got the mayor to come and greet them.

"Ugh, why is it so hot in here?" One of the mages complained after they arrived at the entrance to the town. She was constantly fanning herself and revealing an expression that screams 'I don't want to be here'.

"I'm sorry about that, our place rarely experiences rain during the summer season so please bear with it for the mean time. Once we reach the municipal hall you'll feel better," the mayor was smiling even though the woman was already glaring at him at the middle of his statement.

"Was I talking to you?" the woman was displeased and showed a face of disgust. "Why are we even meeting with this…thing?" Her attention went to the man in the lead.

"It's an order so we should do our job and leave. It's better to directly talk to the one who is in-charge so that we can find what we are looking for. Unless, you want to stay here longer?" The man's handsome face gave off an angelic vibe but the woman knew that it was all a façade.

The woman could only mumble her complains as they rode the carriage that was waiting for them. "Well at least, they have a carriage!" She exclaimed as she took the lead to enter and have a sit inside.

The man entered next and sat in front of her, "Are you perhaps alluding something to me?" He kindly asked but the woman only shook her head and refused to look at the man.

"Arean like to complain, haven't you already gotten used to it?" another voice came from the outside as the other member of the group entered the group and took a seat beside the woman who entered first.

"And you have been spoiling her too much Meliore." The man crossed his legs with his folded hands on top of them. "I am just glad that you are not like her and that you can keep her disciplined."

Meliore lost her smile at those words and closed her eyes. She hated everything about the man. His pretentious smile and his overly friendly actions. Everything about him made her want to vomit but she can't deny that the man was talented. He might not be like Grand Mage Jagan, but he was as powerful and more so now, after seven years since the other left. The carriage fell into silence as the mayor closed the door. It was an uneventful ride with Arean was looking outside while Meliore was resolute in ignoring the man.

They were ushered inside a special room for guests after the ride and were offered refreshments and snacks. The mayor also took that chance to sit down and finally address the reason why the mages were in Moonvale.

"If I may Grand Mage Alastor, I would like to know why you decided to visit Moonvale?" He got to the point as he did not want to make the mages uncomfortable with his presence. The atmosphere inside was too much for him to bear as an ordinary human being and he felt that the man was not that welcoming of him.

"You don't have to be so nervous mayor, we are just here to look for our missing brother and also to look around a bit," Grand Mage Alastor was still smiling but he was not going to reveal anything to this lowly person.

The mayor gulped at the intimidating gaze he was receiving from the mage so he decided to just end it and leave. "Then I hope you enjoy your stay in our small town." He did not stay to any longer to hear an answer and left in a haste. He felt that he was about to suffocate inside the room but before he could even step out, Alastor spoke again.

"Ah yes, if a person called Astrophos comes please guide him to this room," he looked to the side where the mayor was standing. The mayor shivered at the man's unusual gaze, like he was about to devour him whole.

The mayor gave a curt nod, "I understand." He leapt the remaining distance from where he was standing to the outside of the room and scurried away in fright.

"Now that he is gone, contact Astrophos and let him come here." The command was received so Arean disappeared from where she was sitting and appeared outside the municipal hall. She navigated through the streets while following the distinct mana signature of Astrophos until she reached the inn where he was staying.