A new Ezio...

As expected, Ezio already knew that the people at the academy were unexpectedly short tempered. He could just have walked away and left but he was in a bad mood and now these people came to provoke him even more.

The fireballs that were sent his way suddenly disappeared and the man who attacked him was confused. He attacked again and just like the first, all of these attacks were swallowed by a sudden distortion in the air.

Ezio also disappeared from where he was and appeared behind the group. He then waved his hand and a dark hole formed behind them with the fireballs coming out from it. Loud explosions shook the entire building where they were and when the smoke subsided, the people who were blocking Ezio's way were on the ground.

They were knocked out by the same attack that the leader used against Ezio. He looked at the group that lay unconscious on the ground and sighed. He could already hear his stomach protesting and he even used his magic, now he was even hungrier.