Finally arrived

Ezio did not answer. He was not in the mood to talk to the woman. He thought that after the incident she wouldn't talk to him anymore but he was wrong. The woman was really persistent and if he would not straight out tell her what he thought then the woman might continue to pester him.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Vinya got annoyed at how the man was treating her. She didn't do anything wrong so she doesn't deserve this kind of treatment.

"Stop yelling and haven't you noticed it already, I don't like talking to you because it always gets me in trouble. You are a noble and I am a commoner, the people in this place don't like it when you interact with me. So can you please leave me alone?" Ezio looked at her again as he said those cold words.

The straightforwardness of those words made her step back. Even the man's eyes were enough to tell her that she wasn't liked. They were looking at her like she was someone not important, just a passerby.