A bold move

Linius and Astro tried to enter the arena but they were repelled and were pushed back. They looked at each other and tried again but no matter how they attacked the barrier, they couldn't create an opening. Celes also tried to break the barrier but for some reason his magic couldn't pierce through it.

Cygnus narrowed his eyes and threw Celestine on the ground with a little bit of force which made her cough blood again. He slowly walked up to her and crouched down to look at her. He tilted his head to the side and hummed.

"Who taught you that technique?" He asked again, this time he looked calm but in Celestine's eyes, he was nothing but calm.

It was as if she was looking at the devil himself. She could see blood in his eyes. The coldness in those eyes regarded her as nothing. She felt like she was the lowest of the lowest that she did not deserve to live.