Assassinating a serpent

The person who looked like she was sightseeing stopped and chuckled. "Of course, I am here to see Blackwell territory's guardian. We've heard about you from one of our people and imagine our surprise when we heard that you still exist. We thought for sure that your slumber will continue until, well, until we conquer this place."


"Do you really think that I would stand by and let you do whatever you want?" The serpent was not happy to hear those words. "If not for my power weakening, do you think you can do all of these things?"


The woman laughed again, "We can still move inside the territory even if you are at the peak of your power. It would be limited but we can still weaken you slowly. I guess fate is with us because slowly the barrier sucked you out and weakened you now, we are freely roaming around this place."