He started it again

It was the only explanation he could think of. Galahad Blackwell already had misgivings about the master being a Ginehart so it was impossible for him to agree easily to a deal that the master would present. Linius shook his head and sighed. He couldn't believe that even his uncle would fall for the master's tricks.


Cygnus stopped walking and looked back. He stared at the man who had his thoughts in the open. "You really don't think highly of me," he commented after hearing the man's thoughts. He fully turned and glared at the general.


"It's the truth though. You have tricks that none of your targets can escape from and I believe that you also have the ability to compel them if they do not agree." The general shrugged his shoulders because it was not surprising anymore that the man could read his mind. "And I also know that you did not come here just to visit or to sight see."