Meeting the man

Ulysses knew the name of the president but he was still unfamiliar with how he looked. Now that his son was getting closer with the man, there was no harm in getting to know the man personally. Besides, his son was not averse from introducing them together.

"It is my pleasure to finally meet the president of the Hero Association," he reached out to the extended hand from Acasia and shook it with a smile.

"No, of course it is my pleasure." Acasia returned with a smile. He looked at Rigel with a satisfied smile before he started to have a conversation with the duke.

Cygnus left the both of them and instead went to look for Hero Arcaine who had been busy receiving greetings and gifts from the nobles. They were thankful because he was able to subdue the enemy that tried to threaten the peace of Lunaira. They have been showering him with praise that his head has already grown big.