Hidden Malice

"This is all of them, isn't it? I was sure at least a few of them would have gotten away."

"Hehe, yeah. Not to brag, but my sister's pretty strong."

"And why are *you* bragging about that?"

Ryker, Hu Long, and Lilliana stood before the piled assassins, Lilliana tearing the broken mask off of Tian Xiaofan who was coughing up blood between haggard breaths.

What greeted them underneath the mask was a plain visage and dull eyes, strands of hair slick with sweat and blood sticking to the assassin's forehead as she gazed back at them without a trace of emotion.

"Rise and shine, beautiful."

Lilliana crouched down, daintily patting Tian Xiaofan on the cheek with a nasty scowl on her face.

"So? What's the deal with you Great Void fuckers? Why are you after my brother?"

Tian Xiaofan stayed silent, staring - not quite defiant - but definitely uncomplying.