Falling Apart!

Wen Jian got up from the bed with some difficulty. The intense pain wouldn't go away from his lower stomach, making it feel like something was stabbing down his body. Still, he was the elder one. He could at least make sure to be responsible.

He looked at his son who was on his knees and sighed. He walked forward and placed his hand on the man's shoulder, patting gently before walking out of the hospital.

Wen Qiao was certainly out of it. His body couldn't take the effect of destroying the mate bond forcefully. So he knew he couldn't drag the man with him.

But to his surprise, Wen Qiao scrambled to his feet, holding his hand. The young man's body was covered with sweat as his breathing increased. He looked extremely sick, and it even seemed as if he might end up falling to the ground any minute.

But the young man didn't let go of his father as a hint of anger filled his eyes. "Let's go. I'll come with you."