Getting starting funds

The little girl had finished her food, Mu Chen tossed a gold tael at servant of inn and picked that girl on his shoulders preparing to move out but just then

"Um... Sir Sword Cultivator? Would you like to give me some face and bless us with your presence in my small house..."

It was a middle aged man with slight white hairs along with two guards that seemed like his subordinates


[He's the City lord here]

'It seems I won't be able to leave this early!'

Mu Chen sighed in his heart and looked at the city lord in front of him and said "Well I don't see any problem with that"

Hearing those words the face of the City lord brightened up like a bulb and he ordered his subordinates

"Ohhh Thank-you Sir! Hey! prepare the carriage!!"

Like this Mu Chen along with a little girl rode the carriage with the City Lord that looked quite grand, drawn by horses

"We are truly blessed to have someone like you in our city!"

The city lord said inside the carriage, to this Mu Chen just replied with a smile "It's no problem I just had some plans here and by touch of luck I was able to find an excellent Disciple here..."

Mu Chen looked at the little girl with a smile, the little girl was sitting very close to Mu Chen, grabbing Mu Chen's robe and almost hiding her face in the dark robe of Mu Chen

"Haha it seems like she's blessed by Heavens to have such a good encounter!"

Mu Chen just smiled at City lord's statement and nodded

"And I also thank you for helping us with matters of bandits, I'm very grateful for that, all of them were Martial Masters that's why we weren't able to do much"

'So they were Martial Masters, I didn't feel much from them'

"Haha it's no trouble, it was partially my matter too, don't worry about such things, but why did you invite me here?"

"Ah I was about to say that, we..!"

As the City Lord was about to explain that suddenly the carriage stopped and one of the subordinates of City Lord opened the gate

"It seems we have arrived at my home, let's talk about that with a cup of tea..."

Mu Chen nodded and along with the little girl he entered a large manor, which looked very grand and suitable for someone of lord status guarded by many guards

Mu Chen was guided to a huge room with two seats on higher ground, Mu Chen sat in one chair while City lord sat on another one

While the little girl stood besides Mu Chen, Mu Chen and City lord both took a cup of tea served by a servant there and then City lord said

"My name is 'Qing Luo' and as the lord of this city I'm facing various troubles right now, I have recently gained some information from my subordinates

It seems like two great families that are in the region I rule over have decided to rebel against me

Both of them had joined hands to attack me here in the city, I would have been able to successfully repel them on my own, but it seems like that has taken the help from a Martial Grandmaster from outside

I'm not worried about myself but I have a request to you, please protect my people in the city and my family

In return I can give you 1000 Spiritual pills to help your disciple cultivate!!!"

The City lord stood up and bowed in front of Mu Chen showing his sincerity

Mu Chen thought for a few seconds

'Hmm to go as far as lowering his head, he truly does care for his peoples and I too need some pills to help this girl'

"Ok I agree, if there really is any outsider involved then I will help too!"

Mu Chen stood up and smiled saying this, the City lord hearing this was almost in tears as he said

"I'm very grateful for this, I will be sure to repay this favour in future at any cost!"

Like that Mu Chen smiled again and after a few minutes Mu Chen took his disciple and left the mansion

"Master, what will you do if those guys are stronger than you?"

The little girl asked Mu Chen while he was carrying her in arms, Mu Chen looked at the girl and replied with a smile

"I don't know... and I will always be stronger than my opponents

But you girl, how can a girl as small as you talk like this? Are you demon disguised as a little creature?"

"What are you saying master! I'm not a demon or anything like that!!!"

The little girl hmphed on Mu Chen's words, pouting her small cheeks like a hamster

Mu Chen laughed at her cute actions and asked

"Haha, oh right what's your name?"

"Don't laugh I'm serious, and my name is Ruo xi!"

'Luo xi... quite a familiar name you have girl...'

Mu Chen suddenly went silent and thought of something of past

[What happened?]

'Nothing just remembered my daughter I had in the past, she also had the same name and personality like this

Unfortunately she died of cancer at age of 6, that's when I lost interest in the world'

[My condolences...]

'No need to worry, it seems like I won't be alone like that past!!!'

Mu Chen looked at little girl in his hands and smiled brightly, Luo xi made confused face but she also smiled seeing Mu Chen smiling

Like that it was already night time, and various peoples carrying lights in their hands were visible inside the city walls

"Qing Luo comes out and die! We came here to kill you, you bitch!!!!"

A middle aged man who seemed like leader shouted as he arrived in front of City lord's mansion

The city lord came out of his mansion and said "It seems like those guys were really true, to think both of you will betray me like this..."

"What betrayal are you talking about? Since when was my Yu clan your servant!?"

Another middle aged man shouted as he took out Sword from his sheath,

The city lord sighed and said "Then attack me if you dare! I will show you the horror of death"

With this City lord and other two and the men on both sides started fighting

The whole place was dyed in red blood of both sides as they attacked each other

The city lord was attacked by sword from two peoples at once and both of them being stage 7 Martial Masters

But he successfully dodged attacks and even successfully attacked them with his sword

Like this they kept fighting for an hour but City lord was still fine but both men were covered in blood

"As expected you have become strong eating all those pills you bastard, this isn't fair, but you know what? We also called another person!!!

Sir Shu! Please give us your hand!!"

As they said this a man covered in red-black aura and killing intent rushed towards City lord

City lord wasn't even able to react as he just helplessly stared at death that was approaching him

"Hahaha you are dead now Qing Luo!!!"

"Finally this city is ours!!! Hahaha!!!!"

Both of the men laughed like a maniac as if they had already won the war, but next moment suddenly a figure appeared in front of the City lord blocking the attack

"Who are you? How dare you block my attack!!"

The Shu guy who attacked City lord questioned while emitting his killing intent towards the new guy who appeared there

Then suddenly the clouds in sky moved and moon light fell on his face, it was Mu Chen

He looked at him and said with a grin "To think you guys will invite a Demonic cultivator just to kill City Lord!"

"Demonic Cultivator!?"

City lord said in surprise while faces of the two middle aged men turned grim, the man who attacked was also surprised and shouted

"How dare you accuse me, I will...!!!"

He was just about to say more but next moment Mu Chen's Sword arrived at front of his face with an attempt to kill him

He barely blocked the sword with his axe

"Ho~? You blocked that attack, then I will spare your life if you blocked this one too"

Rise of Immortal Dragon!

Mu Chen used his sword Technique he just gained after accepting Luo xi as disciple, his sword moved along with heavy winds

And next moment he and all the people that were gathered there along with the people in the city who were watching the fight

All of them had only one sentence to describe it

Immortal God of almighty Heavens....

A phantom of golden dragon surrounded his sword, the eyes of Demonic cultivator widened to maximum and then

Along with Demonic cultivator and two middle aged men who attacked him disappeared from existence and not even bones were found

At that night of full moon, the Golden Dragon was seen rising towards heaven and an Sword Cultivator who looked like God descended from heavens flying high in sky

Mu Chen looked at City lord and City lord threw a ring towards him with a smile of gratitude and bowed to Mu Chen along with all his subordinates

"I think I have finished my request and took the payment too, I will be on my way now!"

With this Mu Chen flew towards the roof of City lord mansion and grabbed his disciple who had shiny eyes and flew towards direction of moon

"Master that was so cool! Can you teach me too!?"

"Sure, but first let's find a place to live Shall we?"

"Can't we start training now?"

"We can't!"


"Cause I say so~"

Like that both master and disciple left while casually making the legend that will be passed down through generations of all peoples who watched it

The legend of Immortal God flying on Golden Dragon....