Annihilation of Red Spring Sect (2)

'Damn so unreasonable! What kind of idiots wage war against another sect just because of one person? Their pride is truly too much!

I can't even count how many peoples would have died, if I didn't came here...'

Mu Chen was hearing all of them while standing on top of the building and suddenly a grin appered on face as he started emitting his killing intent on whole sect


"Who dares to do such thing!?"

"Looks like someone is seeking death!"

"Bastard! But this pressure... "

"Kugh, let's see outside!"

All peoples present in sect immediatly rushed outside and gathered in front of building on which Mu Chen was standing on

Shan Yu also came out with sect master and other big shots of sect and spotted Mu Chen on top of the building

"Sect leader! This is the guy that disrespected our sect and humiliated me!!!"

Shan Yu's face turned extremely murderous and Sect leader of Red Spring Sect came forward and showed his aura of Martial King and shouted

"Not only did you dared to disrespect my sect but to come in our sect alone and show such arrogance!

Your punishment is death!!!!"

"Waah~ Sect master has broken through to Marital King!!!"

"We are invincible among top sects now!"

"Haha, what a day today!"

"It will be fun, this arrogant guy will die today!"

"Hehehe, I will test his body with poison later!!!"

"I will help ya torture this bitch!!!!"

The others in sect started cheering and their faces were filled with confidence, on the another hand Mu Chen moved his head and looked at them

A smile covered his face and he also revealed his cultivation level and said

"Impatient snakes... let's fight and see the result then, but I promise you none of you will be leaving alive..."

Mu Chen gripped two supreme swords on his hands and rushed towards them and in blink of an eye the head of sect leader of Red Spring Sect was seen rolling on ground

Mu Chen looked at others around him and said again "Looks like you guys picked right opponent on wrong day, prepare for impact then!"

As he said that, face of all the disciples and elders turned extremely dark and clouds of despair covered their heads

"Aahhhh run!!!!"

"This is madness, it's Martial Venerable!!!!"

"How is such thing possible!?"

"Save me! Save me!!!"

"FUCK! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck!"

"Oh lord save me!!!"

"Spare me! I was wrong!!! Please spare me!"

All peoples persent there lost their fighting spirit and ran in different directions to save their lives, but what they saw as they looked back was

A man with expressionless face and incomparably cold eyes waving his swords on both directions and taking life of dozens of peoples per second

The eyes of those who were alive were showing the incomparable fear, Mu Chen who was killing them was like expressionless killing machine but just then a notification sounded on Mu Chen's head

[Surprise Quest!_ It is detected that Red Spring Sect is confirmed as an Evil Sect, they have kidnapped kids and innocent mortals and used them as cultivation tool

Being Justice to the world by killing everyone person of Red Spring Sect and expose the reality to the world

Reward_ Saint Grade Cultivation Robe 'Nightsky of Endless Abyss'!

ps_ don't worry none of these peoples are innocent and there are no underage kids!!!]

'Are you sure, system?'

[I don't joke for such matters!]

'Thanks, this cleared my heart...'

".... Now I won't feel guilty while killing these bitches!!!!"

As Mu Chen said this, he used an Transcendent grade technique he obtained after logging in for 100 days as a guaranteed rare reward

'Impenetrable Domain of Ruler!'

His Spiritual energy covered the whole place in radius of 2 miles of Red Spring Sect and now every single person of Red Spring Sect was present there and were trapped waiting to be slaughtered

Many elders realised what was happening and they have been trapped there, and turned around and looked at Mu Chen who was smiling while slaughtering others

"Aaah! He's the devil!!!!"

"What should we do now !?"

"Ahhhhh save me! save me !"

"Looks like we got no choice! If we are going to die here! Let's take him down with us too!"

"Yeah! Let's do this!!!!"

"Ahhhh I won't forgive you!!!"

All of them moved back many had resolute faces while many had tears in their eyes, one thing was common was that, they resented Mu Chen to death

They also used a technique similar to Shan Yu's disciple but after using this technique the user won't live

An King grade technique 'Death Row', the skins of all elders who were alive turned red as they rushed towards Mu Chen with blood and tears in eyes

Many disciples also saw this and with despair they also rushed towards Mu Chen using a similar technique

Mu Chen noticed there movements and grin on face became wider as he showed a stronger killing intent and fighting spirit and said

"Doesn't matters if it's a swarm of small ants or swarm of bigger ants, at the end they can't even scratch a Dragon's scale!!!"

Like that Mu Chen kept slaughtering them with no difference as if all of them were just insects in front of a tsunami

On the another hand in the Heavenly Jade Sect after Mu Chen left Luo xi was brought to 'Wild Nature Peak' by Gan Xu

Luo xi was sitting with disciples of Wild Nature Peak and in some distance all the peak masters, Sect master and Bai zhai were seen discussing inside a room

"What shall we do now? We should start our preparations for war..."

"I knew it! Those bastards want a reason to pick a fight!"

"That Shan Yu! To think he will cause trouble like this..."

"Sigh~ Elder Mu is caught in trouble because of sect, he doesn't even knows about those bastards!"

"Yeah... he's such a kind person, I don't think they will do anything to him right now but I'm sure he would be disrespected there..."

"Sect master shall we also go there to support Elder Mu!?"

Sect master looked very calm and looked at others and said in calm tone "Don't worry, as I said before Elder Mu won't have any trouble there

instead we will be only a burden for him if we got there, he's incomparably powerful, I had a match with him in past

That was the moment I realised someone can be so powerful in this continent, I didn't felt that fear even when I had a duel with sect master of strongest sect of continent

Sect master of 'Green Valley Sect' wasn't as scary as him"

As he finished his words he took another sip from his cup, many elders showed face of disbelief, suddenly one of peak masters looked Gan Xu and said

"Peak Master Gan Xu! You are friends with Peak Master Mu! Why don't you explain!"

Gan Xu was also sitting calmly and as his name was called he looked upwards and said in very calm tone

"On this matter I also agree with sect master, Elder Mu is strong enough to avoid any trouble in this continent!"

'Peak Master Gan Xu? so confident!'

'Since when was he so mature?'

'Hmm, it somehow feels convincing...'


Gan Xu was usually very friendly person and always had smiling face and when he said something in such tone it was always true

Bai zhai wasn't aware of such things and couldn't hide her curiosity and said "How are you so confident, if something...!"

"Elder Bai do you know that I'm the only friend Mu Chen has in this world?"


As Gan Xu said those words all Elders looked at him in shocked face, Gan Xu seeing their reaction smiled

"I will tell you how I became friends with him and you will understand, you see two months ago...

I had recived some information from my disciples that a Grandmaster grade beast was causing trouble for mortals in area of sect

I arrived at the place of monster but it was stronger than my expectations, and at that it was a Wolf species monster, bad matchup for wood element Cultivator like me and I was heavily injured by it

And just as I thought I will die Elder Mu arrived there and killed the beast in one slash, it was later found that the beast was strong as Stage 9 Martial Grandmaster

He carried me back to sect and visited me many times until I was recovered, he brought me various herbs for my injuries too

We talked about many things on our free time and that's when he said 'In this world except for my disciple, You are the only person I can call my friend, Gan Xu

I may become strongest in existence but it will truly difficult to find a friend as good as you'

At that moment I felt as if I was floating in 9th later of heaven, it's my greatest honor to be friends with him..."

The room had silence and everyone looked Gan Xu in new light with respect, Gan Xu putted his cup on table and with a huge smile he said cheerfully, completely different from his previous serious face

"... by the way guys, don't you feel jealous? hahaha!"

'I knew it! This brat...'

'To be honest I do feel jealous'

'Such a shame'

'How can Elder Mu have a friend like him?'

'Sigh ~ lucky bastard!'

The atmosphere at the place turned light and a small smile appered on faces of all peoples persent there