Absolute Sword Intent!

Mu Chen was currently meditating along with Luo xi, it's been 2 weeks since the destruction of Red Spring Sect and Mu Chen had become extremely famous in the whole continent

[Congratulation! Host for stabilizing your Cultivation and reaching a perfected state]

Currently Mu Chen's body was going through some major changes, for the last few days Mu Chen was compressing energy inside him to reach the absolute peak of his cultivation

Mu Chen had collected 90 balls of spiritual energy of 9 different elements and 9 balls of energy were circling around one ball of energy of that specific element

Mu Chen didn't need to do this process right now as he has already done it during his breakthroughs and he was just stabilizing it

And after finishing the process of King level, Mu Chen stabilized his Venerable level cultivation

Mu Chen's body was currently surrounded by a storm of Spiritual energy continuously coming out of his body then getting absorbed again

Like that Mu Chen continued this process for 7 days and then suddenly inside Mu Chen's dantian it felt as if suddenly a huge tsunami had emerged inside it

Mu Chen continued to stabilize the raging storms inside his body and suddenly all the flood inside his body calmed down

Mu Chen found the feeling of absolute silence as all the storm calmed down and suddenly he opened his eyes

'Where am I?'

Mu Chen founded himself in an open field, filled with grass as far as eyes can see

Mu Chen was surprised and looked around him and suddenly grasses on ground caught his eyes

Although at first glance the grass looked extremely ordinary but if a person who had wielded Swords looked at them, they would be able to see the difference

Mu Chen bended down and touched the grass but next moment his own hand started bleeding

'These grasses look so sharp... like a blade... waving in air like a sword raid...

Short but absolute ... Ordinary but sharp... Cold as moon... warm as Sun... Shiny like stars... Comfortable as mother Earth ... Pridefull as Heavens...

Excited like golden thunder... agile like tempest wind... made from earth like wood and strong like metal...

All qualities of a true Sword!'

[Congratulations! The host has found a true way on the path of the Sword!]

[The host has gained 'Absolute Sword Intent'!]

[You are the first person to get an Absolute Sword in the last 11 milon years!]

[You have gained your first title 'Sword Ruler']

Mu Chen's outside body was still sitting in a meditating position but suddenly the earth started to vibrate near him

Luo Xi immediately stood up and looked towards Mu Chen in worry but she had confidence in Mu Chen and she just kept quite afraid that she will do something wrong

And then suddenly two swords of Mu Chen started revolving around him in fast speed making a small tornado around him

Mu Chen had sealed his Peak from the outside world previously so there were no effects seen outside

But inside the peak it was totally chaos, all monsters that were present in Sleeping Dragon Peak gathered in front of Mu Chen's home

There furs and feathers were standing in their edges, as they looked towards Mu Chen's direction

This continued for a few hours and finally Mu Chen opened his eyes that had new shine in them and both of his Swords fell on the ground

"What the fuck?!"

As Mu Chen opened his eyes he noticed that he was also floating in air and as soon as he realised this he fell on ground

"Owww that hurts!"

Mu Chen stood up again rubbing his butt and thought

'Sword Intent? Hey system try explaining it a little!'

[Absolute Sword Intent _

Sword intent is divided into 7 types








The highest grade Sword intent percent in existence, it has 21 stages and you are currently on 1st stage

It is 64 times more powerful than normal sword intent and it is said the person who had reached the 21st stage of absolute Sword intent was able to destroy a group of galaxies in one slash!]

[You can be an assured host, you are strong enough to kill opponents at Peak Martial Transcendent stage with ease!]

Mu Chen finally came to his senses looked at Luo xi in front of him who was standing there dumb founded

"What happened to you Luo xi?"

"Master? What was that?"

Mu Chen grinned hearing her and replied "Be proud your master has become a big genius of sword now! Muahahahahaha!!!"

"That's a cool master!"

"I know it right! Let's have lots of food today!"


Both master and disciple gave each other a big high five in air both of them made their way towards their kitchen with big smiles on their faces

On the other hand, somewhere in this wide universe suddenly an old man who has covered his whole face in white hairs opened his dark eyes

"Absolute Sword Intent!? After so many centuries someone awakened it!!! I have to find him before those bastards! The prophesied saviour had come!"

As he said that various peoples appeared from thin air, walking through Space and knelt in front of him, at a glance one can say each one of them were Immortals

"Please give us orders! Patriarch!!!"

"Search for him! Even if you have to find every corner of the world find him! He must be given absolute respect and request him to meet us! At any condition don't you dare disrespect him!!!"


With that all of them left and a face of fanatic was visible in eyes of that old man as he was left alone in a room

'Finally! I found a way! My Liu clan will survive the calamity! We will be forever the rulers of Immortals!!!'


Two days have passed since Mu Chen awakened his sword intent today he decided to upgrade skills of his disciple

"Listen here idiot! Breakthrough is very important right now to learn more techniques, focus on absorbing all the energy!"

Mu Chen had covered the whole room with middle grade Spiritual energy stones he looted from the former Red Spring Sect

And was standing in front of Luo xi, Luo xi closed her eyes and started circulating her energy inside her with the techniques Mu Chen had taught her

'To think that a normal person needs to cultivate for centuries to reach such a state while she just took 6 months and is about to become Martial Grandmaster...'

Mu Chen smiled and observed Luo xi's Cultivation in case something happened during the major breakthrough like that

A few hours passed and finally with silvery blue light Luo xi finally had her major breakthrough

[Congratulations! Your disciple had a breakthrough to Martial Grandmaster stage 1]

[You are rewarded with Emperor grade fist technique! '16 Hands of Asura!' ]

"That's it! Now stabilise it as I told you, spread it all over the meridians..."

'System, is at the right time to awaken her Spirit root right now?'

[Perfect time!]

'Then do it!'

As Mu Chen commanded the system suddenly all Spiritual energy inside the spiritual stones in the room rushed inside Luo xi's body

And suddenly inside Luo xi's body it started taking form in purest state, her previous Spiritual root suddenly started to grow at tremendous speed

If previously her Spiritual root was just a common sparrow then right now it has turned into grand Ice Phoenix

"Master... It's suddenly cold here... but it doesn't feel uncomfortable?'

Luo xi looked towards Mu Chen in confusion and right in front of Mu Chen's eyes her brown hairs became silver blue in colour

[Congratulations! Saint grade Spritual root had been successfully installed in Luo xi!]

[Your Disciple had gained 'Ice Phoenix Origin' Spiritual root!]

"Hahaha it seems you have awakened your True Spiritual root! It's a once in a billion year miracle! It's a very good thing!"

Normally a person was only able to have only one Spiritual root inside their body for their lifetime and it was considered very rare to evolve their Spiritual roots to a stronger one

A stroke of luck that came once in billion years, but Mu Chen just installed the reward he had gotten while accepting his first disciple with help of System

And made excuses of awakening her true Spiritual root to cover up a sudden miracle, Mu Chen could have installed the root from the beginning but it has chances of injuring Luo xi that's why he avoided doing such things from the beginning

"Waaah!!! Master! My hair colour changed too! Is it normal!?"

Mu Chen smiled and bullshitted his way through "It's the result of awakening your Spiritual root, it seems you have awakened a high grade root so keep it secret from others till you are strong enough!"

Luo xi kept nodding like an obedient pup, Mu Chen during 5 months had gained many techniques from daily login

He had received 2 fist techniques, 4 footwork techniques, and 3 Sword Technique from login and dozens of Master and grandmaster grade techniques from Red Spring Sect that can be used by normal Cultivators

"Then let's get your true training started! We will start with weak techniques first cause for now even if I taught you strong techniques you won't be able to perform them

Everyone isn't as good as me, hahaha!!!"

As Mu Chen said that he made an evil laugh clearly very pleased with himself while Luo xi looked at him with displeased face

"Don't brag like that! I will be stronger soon too! I can learn stronger techniques too!"

"Haha ok enough jokes, you like fighting with Swords right then why don't we start with '74 Ice Glacier Art'?

It's a King Grade technique and very suitable for you!"

"Ok let's do that!"

Mu Chen and Luo xi both grinned and started training with fully motivated students! But if someone saw these absurd beings they will die coughing blood

King Grade technique could be considered as Treasure of Top Sects of continent and Mu Chen was calling it weak techniques

It is far in the future when Luo xi who was raised by such beings will realise what the meaning of being average and absurd is, maybe?