Got a wild Swan (1)

"Hehehe! Let's go over there! That flower looks interesting!"

As soon as they arrived at forest Luo Xi started showing her wild side and dragged Ming Yue along with her

"But Elder Mu, who is the young man with you right there? I don't recall seeing him here with you before?"

Yang Liwei questioned Mu Chen as they walked inside the forest with others, Mu Chen just replied in clear tone

"Ah! I almost forgot to introduce him to others, he's my newest disciple, Ming Yue, unfortunately he had lost his eyes but he's extremely talented!"

All the people present there made a shocked face as a thought came to their mind

'To not only be recognised by Elder Mu but to be talented enough to attract his attention despite being blind!? Just who is this young man!!!'

Ming Yue and Luo Xi weren't able to hear their whispering as they were already far ahead but just then suddenly something attacked them

But Mu Chen was far faster than that thing that attacked Luo Xi and Ming Yue

Mu Chen's feet had a spark of lighting in them for a moment and next moment Mu Chen arrived in front of them and there was a blurry movement of his shoulders moving

And next moment a huge green anaconda with brown stripes and giant fangs was seen in ground with it's head detached from body

"What did I tell you idiot? Not to run around like a fool!!!"

Mu Chen gave Luo Xi a chop on her head while pointing towards the head of snake

"Ow!!! I understand! I understand! Stop hitting me! It hurts!"

"It hurts that's why I hit you! Idiot!"

Mu Chen kept scolding Luo Xi as casually as one can be even after someone saw death from so close up

Ming Yue and others were extremely shocked right now, Ming Yue looked around him and he definitely noticed a huge monster had died just now because of strong vibrations he felt from close ground

While Yang Liwei and Zhi Fubao were covered in sweat and panic

'I couldn't even follow his movements with my eyes!!! I couldn't sense that monster let alone Elder Mu who killed such being in a split second!!!'

'What a horrifying speed...'

Both Yang Liwei and Zhi Fubao were shocked to the core, but while Zhi Fubao was just shocked Yang Liwei's eyes were definitely that of a fanatic

"Wow!!! That's the 'Wood Ghost' and at the intermediate Demon Grandmaster stage too!!!"

"Elder Mu is truly so strong..."

"I could even sense it till it died..."

"That was so close!!!!"

"So scary!"

The disciples gathered there and muttered among themselves as they looked at the dead body of a giant reptile lying in front of them

"Ok let's continue the journey, we have to return for the festival too, and this time you both won't be running around like idiots! Follow me obediently!"

Mu Chen said with unfazed expression and also scolded Luo Xi who was still not carefree and was about to run around in the forest again

Luo Xi silently nodded with puffed cheeks while looking downwards

'So cute...'

This was thought of everyone who was present there as they looked at Luo Xi who was standing in front of Mu Chen like an obedient cat

The others had shocked faces but they also contained their journey to finish off the monsters which was troubling mortals

After traveling for an hour the group finally arrived below an water fall from where a small river was flowing towards South and Yang Liwei finally opened his mouth

"Elder Mu behind on the other side of this river is the territory of a swan-like monster! They say it's already at the level of beginner Demon King!

We all will clear small fry monsters for you! And at that time you can finish off that bastard!"

Mu Chen nodded and looked towards his disciples and said "You both no need to follow us from here, just wait! Luo Xi takes care of Ming Yue here!"

'Ming Yue..., I have heard this name somewhere...'

Zhi Fubao thought of something as he looked towards Ming Yue but disclosed those thoughts and followed Mu Chen and others to other sides of river

"Ahhhh~ Master is really so boring right now! Brother let's just sit right here and wait!!!"

Luo Xi had a frustrated face but still obediently took Ming Yue with her and sat below the tree at the corner

On the other side as soon as Mu Chen entered the forest on the other side of the river they were attacked by numerous monsters of the Demon Commander stage

But they were easily blocked by Zhi Fubao and Yang Liwei and other disciples of Green Valley Sect

"This much is easy!"

Yang Liwei said as he took out a huge wolf like monster, Mu Chen also nodded as he slashed a giant boar

"Fuck you! Yang Liwei! You and your cursed mouth!?"

But just then a huge violet puma attacked Zhi Fubao who blocked the fangs of monsters with his sword

"Ah- ahhh! Sorry- sorry!"

Yang Liwei was also attacked by another Brown Rhino like being, he apologised while being pushed back for about 20 meters

"Elder Mu! Please focus on clearing that monster! We will hold these monsters for you!

Let's meet again on the other side of the river!"

'Well it seems they can block them with no big trouble...'

As Yang Liwei said that Mu Chen nodded and rushed deeper in forest, as Mu Chen went deeper he noticed a giant swan with crimson red sharp eyes with plain white furs all over the place staring at him with sharp eyes

'Ha~ this kid looks quite good! It will be a good one for Ming Yue, let's try my beast taming techniques too!'

With that Mu Chen also rushed towards the swan bare handedly and Swan also rushed towards him with full fighting spirit

But after a few minutes Swan was seen fallen to deep ground with all his feathers dirty with mud and dirt

"You surrender now? Right?"

Mu Chen asked while taking out his sword from corner of his sleeve, seeing sharp edges of Sword a shiver ran down the spine of the swan as it nodded like fanatic

"Then follow me kid"

Swan nodded and followed Mu Chen back like an obedient kid

Mu Chen came out of bushes to other sides of the river and crossed the river with a huge jump

Yang Liwei and Zhi Fubao were already there waiting for Mu Chen with Luo xi and Ming Yue with other disciples

"Elder Mu, did you find that Swan?"

Yang Liwei questioned as soon as Mu Chen arrived at the place

Mu Chen nodded and said "I did find him and decided that rather than just killing it..."

As Mu Chen said this a Giant Swan flew out from the air and landed behind him silently

"... I tamed it! There will be no problems because of that right?"

"N-no pro-problems!"

Zhi Fubao answered in shock as looked at the milky white Swan which was big enough to carry a grown adult with no trouble and a clear aura of Stage 4 Demon King coming out of it

This being was frightening enough to alert all the people present in the area of Green Valley Sect right now

By the time they all came out of the forest it was already evening and Mu Chen didn't waste a single second before rushing towards Green Wave City

"Master! This Swan is so awesome!!!"

"Yeah! I have never ridden something like this!"

Luo Xi and Ming Yue were riding on the Giant Swan while Mu Chen was flying with his sword towards Green Wave City

"Of course it is! After all it's me who brought it here!"

Mu Chen said as he looked at them with a smile on his face

On their way they noticed many other Cultivators who were also going towards Green Wave City with their beasts in air or with Swords

But the Giant Swan and Mu Chen stood out like diamonds among a bunch of coal

The people in surrounding slowly stole glanced towards Mu Chen and the Swan while on their way towards Green Wave City