Training Again (1)

[Sorry to ruin the mood but I have bad news for you...]

'Now what's that?'

[The speed at which you rose in strength was too fast and now the universe will try to balance itself or else there is a possibility some worlds might get destroyed

The protagonists you will face in future will be incomparably stronger but not at the same time...]

'Strong yet not strong at the same time? The fuck are you talking about!? Are you on a drug-!? Wait! Did you discover a loophole?'

Mu Chen was very confused in the beginning but next moment he looked towards the system panel with surprise

The system made a grinning emoji and said

[The protagonists will be strong for villains but you aren't a villain of the plot line... That means the Protagonists luck won't be able to affect you much

Only your Disciples will get affected, the Protagonists have plot armour from heavens but you yourself are an invincible plot armour for your disciples...]

'You focking sly bastard! You are just telling the Protagonists to die hahahahaha!!!'

[You aren't a Saint too hahahaha!]

Mu Chen laughed like a drunk fool and enjoyed the scenery in front of him with a smirking face

But on the other hand in some place at immortal world the same man that was seen when Mu Chen awakened his Sword intent

Suddenly felt a wave of sword and Heavenly aura mixed with some unknown aura coming towards him from the small 'Red Purple Pagoda' floating at centre of an huge desolate land

The wave filled with various universal energies passed through him like a misty illusion

But as this happened the man opened his eyes widely as if they were about to pop out from its place

The various other peoples gathered at the hall also sensed this and had horrified and shocked faces

"It's already at the 7th stage ... How fast... Is he Incarnation of Heavenly Dao or something..."

The man looked at air with disbelief but next moment a young man from his hall said something that increased his tension

"But Grand Elder ... Won't this thing be known by other sects and families by now too... Won't they try to find him too..."

As he said, the faces of every being present in the hall turned dark and all of them became nervous

The man who was called Grand Elder made a thoughtful face and ordered

"... Order the Shadow Dagger Immortal Group to search him out at any cost...

And if he was founded by another group of competitors before us then remember my words

... I will kill every one of you before thinking about anything else..."

His last words carried an aura of dominance and pressure that sent shivers down the spines of immortals capable of destroying the continents with just simple moves

No one dared to say anything more and after bowing to him everyone left the hall and rushed outside

But now the danger to Mu Chen's normal life has been multiplied by a hundred times because the wave of Sword intent and heavenly dao mixed with mysterious energy spread throughout the immortal land

"The... The 9 Decreasing Heaven Pagoda is reacting..."

"Did someone awaken Absolute Sword Intent!?"

"What in the heavens... It is already at the stage above 5..."

"Search for him at any cost!!!"

"What an amusing genius... They even dared to hide this treasure from us..."

"Order the '5 headed Golden Eagle Dragon Squad to search for him!!!"

Various big shots of the whole Immortal World screamed with excitement and surprise that day

And various Immortal Search Squads were released to lower worlds to search for Mu Chen

But even after 3 years passed none were able to sense the presence of Mu Chen even after searching for him for years and using various artifacts and treasures

And after 5 years Ming Yue, Luo Xi and Shi Xi finally managed to absorb new upgraded versions of their spiritual roots and cultivation method

Although Mu Chen was able to absorb everything within 10 months despite the difficulty being 100 times tougher, the similar process took 3 years for them and the effects were visible on surface level

All three of them came out from their seclusion at similar time

Though there was no progress in Cultivation levels, each one of them had strengthened their body and spiritual energy to their limit

Luo Xi's Spiritual root has been upgraded to Immortal God level which made her fated to become Immortal God or beyond in future

Her new Spiritual root is called 'Celestial Butterfly Frost Dust' an Immortal God grade root greatly boosting her ice attribute

And the sword technique she got also worked very well with her spiritual root and ice element

Her silvery blue hairs have been enhanced with shine and elegance while her blue eyes have turned into deep colour almost like dark blue crystal

She had air of cold elegance and dominance around her making her look more unreachable

Next was Ming Yue he absorbed everything 12 days before Luo Xi and 23 days before Shi Xi and got a new Immortal God grade Spiritual root called 'Phantom Blade'

His presence was seriously negligible now, if not for Mu Chen gaining all those absurd rewards and gifts it would have been difficult for even him to passively detect Ming Yue's presence

If Ming Yue didn't wish to be seen no one in the mortal world would be able to sense his presence on their own

Ming Yue dull grey aura had turned into dark grey colour and become denser and it seemed even his Spiritual Eyes got better

Shi Xi was the person who took most time but she was most cautious of them all and managed to obtain 'Feilin Wings' another immortal God level spiritual root along with Immortal God level Technique like others

[Even though their Spiritual root is sealed because they are still mortals, it's still better than Supreme grade Spiritual root]

"Don't be a prick right now..."

[Count your blessings to have a system like me...]

"Yeah yeah ..."

But during those years the biggest achievement Mu Chen wasn't the upgrade of his disciples and partners but the progress in the egg he obtained after destroying Red Spring Sect

[The ??? egg's progress has been increased by 22.3%...]

"This motherfuoker!!! He absorbed all the energy from corpses of Immortal beasts I obtained from Primordial Kaak!!! And progressed by only 22.3%!!! Don't fuck with me!!!

Fuck it! I will just cook this fucker for my breakfast today!!!"

Mu Chen was raging storms from the start of the morning as he rushed towards the egg stored on top of high quality green jade stone

"Stop! Master! You will regret it!!"

"Ha-have patience! Yeah! It will surely come out in a few years!!!"

Both Luo Xi and Ming Yue caught Mu Chen's hands to stop him, Mu Chen was conscious of health of his disciples and stopped but even then in rage he shouted

"There better be some progress! Or you will be my food in a few years!!!"