Return of Bigshots (1)

(So as you all know, you are idiots then as the author of this novel I'm the Supreme idiot, I just forgot to update teehee ^^

The discord dude saved my ass today, praise the lord, then let's start wasting our time without wasting our time ^•^)

The crowd continued to chat and murmur, Ming Yue looked uninterested by their words and thought

'This journey is finished right? I have fought many experts and monsters, I truly learned many things after coming out of here

I can't believe how many monsters and experts were hiding here...

But I have defeated everyone I can let's return to master now...'

As Ming Yue thought that he started moving back but suddenly he felt a hand in his shoulders

"So what do you think... Wanna marry my grand daughter now...."

"Gyaaah!!! You scared the shit out of me! Grand Gaurdian!!!"

Ming Yue jumped because of sudden surprise, another old man was seen standing behind him pouting his cheeks like a kid

"Hmph! Scared my ass! The only reason I let you fight my son is to let my grand daughter marry you! Now tell me your decision!"

The old man replied to Ming Yue, next moment the old man who was defeated by Ming Yue a few seconds ago stood up like a zombie and said

"I won't... Let this blind bitch... Marry my precious daughter..."

"Shut up!"

He just barely stood up but next moment he got knocked out by the Grand Gaurdian who was speaking with Ming Yue

Ming Yue glanced at them and shook his head and replied "I have no intentions of interest in love and marriage...

I live for my master and die for him... I don't have time for family and relationships..."

After saying that Ming Yue started taking out his flying sword from his storage ring

But next moment his hands were tightly grabbed by Grand Gaurdian, and the grip of a Martial Saint is really tight

Ming Yue looked at him with surprise and said "Do you think you can seriously stop me..."

The Grand Gaurdian grinned and replied while showing his full aura of Martial Saint

"I'm sure I can..."

His words sounded in the whole area, the man who was defeated by Ming Yue was also nervous and a little scared

The crowd was on the verge of collapsing too, suddenly a heavenly beauty who wasn't inferior to Luo xi's beauty

With violet hairs and beautiful blue eyes arrived at the stage and looked towards the Grand Gaurdian with annoyance

"Grandpa! What are you doing!? Let Ming Yue go! If he doesn't want to marry me! I'm okay with accepting death like a single dog!!!"

Grand Gaurdian looked at her for a second and next moment he tightened his grip on Ming Yue's hand and replied

"I won't listen to you this time kid! I can't accept you crying in your room alone because of this Ming Yue who doesn't even care about your love!

Today he will either marry you or die here!!!"

Ming Yue listened to those words and his eyes went cold, it was the same eye he had when he killed the first Protagonist

His golden eyes flashed from his blind fold for a second and the next moment he replied with a cold face

"I'm not sure if I can defeat you in my current realm but I assure you there is no one in this world except my master and sister that can stop me"

Next moment Ming Yue's body disappeared from Grand Gaurdian's grip like mist, he just appeared near the beautiful lady who was defending Ming Yue

Ming Yue appeared from the mist like a ghost and said to the lady

"Although my master never strictly taught me any manners, he did tell me to never disrespect love and relations

Don't think about me too much little lady I'm just a mist, I'm not worthy of your love, though it's another thing if my master agrees..."

Ming Yue blushed and flew away with Yi Jie like mist after saying that while eyes of the girl suddenly widened with realisation

Next moment a grin appeared in her red face and she shouted

"Grandpa please tell my father! I'm going on a trip to the Southern Continent!!!"

As a love story was starting here Luo Xi was enjoying another level of life in the North Continent which was rather a cold place and that was the reason why Luo Xi went there

The Northern Continent was also not very inferior to the Central continent, it also had 20 times denser Spiritual energy than the Southern continent

And it was completely normal to see Martial Grandmasters flying around like random flies

And unlike Ming Yue who just defeated peoples and left Luo Xi was busy collecting some good subordinates along with Hong Se

Hong Se had conquered the southern forest of North Continent which had warmer temperatures

While Luo Xi went around collecting subordinates from all sects and families in North Continent

There were still many Martial Saints present in the continent but they were experienced too so they also didn't try to try their hands on blade as sharp as Luo Xi and stayed silent

In no time she was feared as 'Frost Empress', and the empress title wasn't just for show, it turned out that along with being arrogant, Luo Xi was an extremely talented leader too

She had brainwashed all her subordinates and made them completely loyal to her and reason for collecting all these subordinates

"Ahhh~ this is boring now... Let's return to Master Hong Se..."

Yup! You heard it right, this was just a whim of a fool who became stage 1 Martial Transcendent and conquered the whole continent because she was bored

Now that's some absurd level of arrogance for someone who doesn't even have a Protagonist in her life

Luo Xi had made a group of 33 Martial Emperors after conquering the whole continent and they are called 'Empress's Frost Blades'

And with all of them Luo Xi decided to return to Mu Chen and suddenly after that day

Two big shots of Central and North Continent disappeared in world, the 'Flame Wheel Bear of Southern Forest' also disappeared on that day

These big shots were known throughout the world and their sudden disappearance caused huge chaos but since when did villains care about things like these

"Master! We are back!!!"

In a month both of them returned to Mu Chen, Ming Yue had already arrived here 20 days ago and Luo Xi just arrived

But as she opened the doors she saw twin siblings walking towards the forest along with Spyro who had become Demon Transcendent

"It's nice to see you Luo Xi! Been a while~ Oh! Those twins were new disciples of Master! I heard he accepted them after their village got destroyed and their parents died!"

Ming Yue greeted Luo Xi at Mansion gate, the twins heard Ming Yue and looked towards Luo Xi curiously

"I-I'm Bao Hu! It's nice to see you Senior Sister!"

"I-i-I'm Y-Ye Hu! I-it's an honor to meet you Senior Sister!!!"

The twins looked very nervous and happy after seeing Luo Xi, Luo Xi looked at them for a few seconds and suddenly a huge grin appeared in face