Plot Destroyer Mu Chen (3)

His wife pointed towards the pills and Ye Hu's spiritual energy

"Have you seen any Spiritual energy that emits more life energy that this girl and didn't you notice those profound runes on the pills

Each pill that is floating in air is at very least a Martial King grade pill ..."

As she said that, the head of Feng family observed the process closely and a shiver ran down his spine

"I was so close ... to do such a sin... My daughter could have just..."

Mu Chen glanced back at him and said "Have patience... And I don't think you could have done anything here anyways..."

As Mu Chen finished his words the head of Feng family noticed the white chains in his legs and hands that slowly blurred into air

He looked towards Mu Chen's back and nodded with gratefulness

And as the process continued the sick body of the girl lying in bed slowly started to recover,

Her pale body started to return to it's original colour and meridians also returned to normal

Her Spiritual energy and blood flow became much smoother and the presence of life returned to proper state

Ye Hu stopped flowing her Spiritual energy and the pills turned into dust as all energy of pills got absorbed by the sick girl by help of Ye Hu

Ye Hu looked a little exhausted and she said "Your daughter's life energy was getting exhausted because of some kind of curse

Though I have refilled and refined her Spiritual energy to let her be healthy for now

If you didn't kill the one who had cursed her, she wouldn't live for too long or you will need to find someone like me who can refill her life energy once in a month..."

After Ye Hu finished her words, the consciousness in the body of the sick daughter of the Feng family returned


She opened her eyes in an exhausted state, the head of Feng family immediately arrived near his daughter and caught her hands

"Here daughter... Your father is always by your side ..."

He was very emotional at that moment, everyone in the room was silent and watched the warm reunion of father

The girl was also filled with tears after seeing her father again after years

Mu Chen noticed this moment when no one was paying attention to him and crushed a pill behind his hands

The pill turned into a gas with no smell and got easily mixed with the air in room

After that emotional moment the head of Feng family stood up and arrived near Mu Chen and gave him a full 90° bow and said

"I'm very grateful for this help! But I still have a shameless favor... Till we find the one behind this curse can you help my daughter..."

Mu Chen smiled and said "Haha don't worry... I will kill the one behind the curse within a month for you!"

"Really!!! I swear upon my family, if you really did that I will do anything in power to repay you for this!!!"

The head of the Feng family was filled with joy, and the next moment others from Feng family also started thanking Mu Chen

"We are extremely grateful for this favour!!"

"I can't imagine the sadness our head might have faced if anything happened to young miss!!"

"We will be sure to repay this favour!!"

"Please take this jade slip! You will get vvvip treatment at any place within the Northern part of Western Continent!"

"Be sure to call us if you need service!"

"The Feng family owes you a lot!!!"

Mu Chen smiled after listening to them and he looked at each one of them as if he was waiting for something

Suddenly a man with few white hairs on the left side of his head appeared in front of Mu Chen with a big warm smile

"If it wasn't for Elder Mu Chen, we couldn't have known about that 'Death Thread Curse'! I'm very grateful to you for saving my niece..."

As soon as he said that his own eyes got widened as look of realisation flashed through his eyes

But before he could have done anything, a smirk appeared on Mu Chen's face and smooth and precise slash appeared from Mu Chen's sword

With that slash the man who just said 'he was grateful towards Mu Chen for saving his niece' fell on ground lifelessly

His head had been cut into two parts at 70° angle, and as he died, his hands and skin near eyes turned pitch black

Mu Chen's Sword returned to dark space with the help of Mu Chen's Space powers he got from Inheritance

Everyone in the room left eye deep shock of what just happened, Mu Chen saw the faces of people in the room and started speaking

"I never told anyone my name... Let alone the type of curse... After his death his fingers and eyes have turned black due to continually using evil curses for years...

I found one behind the curse, the curse has been broken ..."

As Mu Chen finished his words next moment the evil dark energy rushed out from the body of daughter of Feng family

The dark energy took the form of a dark red skull and tried to attack the girl again but just then


Bao Hu rushed towards the dark red skull, his sword was covered with dense green aura and in one simple slash the skull vanished into air

The girl sitting on bed looked towards Bao Hu with a red face, Bao Hu glanced at her and smiled innocently

The little maiden's face turned red like a tomato because of embarrassment and the hide her face under a sheet , the head of Feng family saw all this and his face turned grim

"I can't believe my brother had such a cruel side in him... I heard he went to the south side of the Continent once a few years ago...

So he was also related to evil cultivators... Sigh ~ what a mess..."

Mu Chen smiled and started walking out of the room along with his disciples, seeing this the head of Feng family tried to stop him but Mu Chen glanced back at him and replied

"Just repay me next time in the future..."

But just as they were leaving suddenly the wife of head said

"Please wait! Please take this with you! Though it was given to us by our ancestors who even ascended to Immortality none of us have been able to use it to now

Please take it! It will be at least half the burden in our hearts!"

Mu Chen sensed an unnatural yet faint familiar aura on his back and immediately looked backwards

The wife of the family head of the Feng family was carrying a small wooden box on her hands to give to Mu Chen