New Immortal Flames (1)

The cave Mu Chen and his disciples were standing at was exceptionally huge to the point of looking like it can swallow the whole 20 floor building with absolute ease

At the same time there were a few things that stood out even more that were observed by Mu Chen and his disciples

'This cave seems really ancient, it is untouched for decades and centuries even when it is in the territory of beasts and demons,

Well I guess that's quite a reasonable thing to happen here too, I don't think any monsters or demons will even think of coming to this place while this whole place is radiating with deep ancient pressure everywhere...'

Mu Chen's senses were on level of their own so he could also see what beasts and demons of forests felt in here

The whole cave was literally filled with various herbs and even a few thousands of year old cultivation materials

This was enough to call a war inside the forest but even then none dared to enter this place even when these treasures were right besides them the whole time

The attraction for the treasure was a lot but the fear of death because of their beastly intuitions was far more powerful and kept them safe

After Mu Chen and disciples walked more and more, the pressure from the still unknown source also kept growing stronger to the point that Mu Chen's disciples had to use their Spiritual Energy to continue walking

And after a few more minutes of struggle, Mu Chen and his twin disciples finally arrived at the centre of whole cave

And surprisingly the centre of the cave had a big gap at the ceiling of the cave, but still the ceiling of the cave was about 90-100 meters away from the ground

From this you can guess what kind of gigantic cave this was, and the sunlight that came from the ceiling fell over the brownish altar at the centre with various rusty runes over the pillars surrounding it

And an extremely complicated formation at the top of the altar, even Mu Chen couldn't find a single clue after observing the formation and runes except for one thing

Mu Chen looked at the altar with extreme seriousness and completely different air of casualness around him

"This is related to Ancient Cultivators, clearly at the level of Immortal grade formation and runes..."

Suddenly all seriousness from the face of Mu Chen suddenly disappeared and he pointed at Bao Hu with grin over his face

"Anyways, I get good feelings about it, Bao Hu, you first!"

Bao Hu was clearly surprised about it, and became panicked

"But master?? Why me first, I don't even know anything about formation, runes or even ancients?"

Mu Chen looked at him with a heavy sigh and said "You have to do nothing you fool, it's an sealing altar, there is something good sealed in there you just have to activate the altar and receive it simple!"

Bao Hu's eyes flashed with realisation and next his eyes looked at Ye Hu and he said "If it is like that then why don't you give it to my sister master?"

"Don't give me this sibling love crap, don't argue with me, just go!!"

Mu Chen didn't hear a single word from him and pushed him away, Bao Hu looked troubled but still kept walking towards the altar as Mu Chen had commanded

Ye Hu also looked slightly worried and Bao Hu finally took his first step inside the altar and arrived there

Bao Hu suddenly looked back at Mu Chen and asked "But Master!? What if there is any gaurdian for this altar too?"

Mu Chen grinned hearing him and said "Of course there is a gaurdian, you think Immortal level treasure won't have any gaurdian?"

As Mu Chen said those words both the twins panicked to peak and the runes and formation near Bao Hu suddenly ignited in omnious crimson light

"Master! Red flag! It's definitely a red flag!!! Let's run!"

Bao Hu could sense the true danger to life right now, but Mu Chen nodded as if he had expected that much and commented

"Gosh, so cliche, thank god I didn't send Ye Hu there, Bao Hu! You will surely survive my disciple!!!"

After shaking his head Mu Chen has a shameless thumbs-up to Bao Hu with wide smile over his face and next the true danger revealed itself to Mu Chen and his disciples

All attention went to the top of the cave from where the all light of cave was coming from, but now there seemed to be another new figure there too

"Master you traitor!!!!"

Bao Hu shouted with a shocked look over his face, and next moment a giant bird like monster with the shape of some kind of eagle and reddish dark flames all over it appeared inside the cave

It's wings were absolutely huge and just the presence alone increased the temperature of room by several times

And that being immediately rushed at Bao Hu as soon as it appeared with flames rising explosively

Bao Hu looked towards it and as the monster arrived at a certain distance, Bao Hu immediately dashed to the right side and used the pillars to jump in the opposite direction, outside of the altar

But still some flames from the monster managed to reach the robe of Bao Hu at the side of his butt and as the realisation came to Bao Hu he immediately shouted

"Gyaaaaaaa!!! The Guardian is a phonix!!!! The master really wants me to die today!!! I promise I won't steal any more extra meat! Save me!!!"

He was shouting but the monster on another hand stopped just right before his flames can directly touch the altar and looked at direction of Bao Hu with deep hatered

And it immediately changed his direction towards Bao Hu with a flash and the flames around it also started to turn to more fiercer form

Bao Hu noticed this and this time he was completely sure what was coming ahead

'If that thing touched me, I'm dead...'

Bao Hu's survival instincts told him that and he took out his sword for battle of life and death at the moment but before anything could happen

"What a joke... This thing ain't no phonix..."