The Difference between a Loser and Winner (1)

[Warning! Killing the protagonist can result in penalties!]

'Since I have gone this far... I will see through the whole thing all at once...'

Mu Chen smirked like devil while the eyes of his disciples had turned much more cold and the existence of Sun Yang seemed to be getting weaker and weaker over time

But just then suddenly out of nowhere the spiritual energy inside of Sun Yang suddenly started turning into something stronger

And the flow of blood and spirituality inside his body turning faster and faster and the strength rising higher and higher by each passing second

The eyes of Sun Yang had almost closed and he was extremely close to losing consciousness and this was the situation where Bao Hu and Ye Hu might have actually seperated the life from the body Sun Yang in matter of seconds for the crime of disrespecting Mu Chen

And even by mistake the news of this accident touched the ears of beings like Luo Xi, Ming Yue or Xi Shi everyone from Western Continent should be prepared to lose a country or two because of side-effects of the chaos in future

But Mu Chen who still had use for the continent was considerate enough to think all this far ahead from the future

And he hasn't just predicted that much, because now just according to his predictions Sun Yang suddenly widened his eyes being radiating in red light

And with sudden force and strength inside his body Sun Yang glared at eyes of Bao Hu and with his both legs covered in reddish aura he immediately kicked Bao Hu's knees and then at Bao Hu's left waist

Bao Hu immediately backed off and even now the twin swords from Ye Hu were still stuck inside the thighs of Sun Yang

Sun Yang took out both of those twin swords in a flash and his wounds immediately started healing themselves at absurd rate

Sun Yang looked at Ye Hu who had retreated a few steps back closely and shot both of those short swords at her direction

This covered the frontal view of Ye Hu which made it difficult for her to see Sun Yang approaching towards her with a sword in his hand

Ye Hu was caught off guard by Sun Yang's move and Sun Yang kicked Ye Hu right at her stomach sending her flying dozens of meters back...

... Or so Sun Yang had expected to happen but reality can often be harsh and even in world with almost no logic left in world

There was still a lot that makes sense and an overwhelming gap in cultivation was still one of it

Ye Hu easily caught the short swords thrown at her by Sun Yang and with a sharp move she easily slashed the corner of Sun Yang's hands who was coming towards her with ease

Sun Yang crashed a few meters away because of his speed with more and more blood leaking but even now those wounds healed easily

Sun Yang turned back and looked at both Ye Hu and Bao Hu who were standing in front of his face like wolves

"Good! Good! But even then you barbarians should have thought more before picking a fight with someone like me!!!"

Sun Yang shouted with all his might with a extreme evil smirk over his face and next he rushed at both Ye Hu and Bao Hu

This time his whole body was covered with overwhelming amount of reddish aura and he passed like a flash besides Bao Hu and Ye Hu

And as he crossed both of them he turned back to look at them, both Bao Hu and Ye Hu were still standing at the same positions without moving an inch

Seeing this a grin appeared over his face and he started shouting out all his bragging by himself

"To think you will let your guard down just because of my lower cultivation realm, you really thought I was some kitten because of that...

Then prepare for the payback because my legs and neck is still hurting like hell-"

"It will hurt more now..."

Sun Yang was just saying things but Mu Chen's words interrupted his whole thought process and next Sun Yang shouted

"Haha! I can't believe these bastards! You really think you can bully the weak just because I came here alone

What a loser acting like a benevolent person in front of others, do you dare challenge me in the same level of cultivation?"

Sun Yang's words were extremely loud and even now the public was still present there, and those words of Sun Yang were clearly heard by them

And that was exactly what Sun Yang wanted, he wanted to use public pressure to Mu Chen's reputation as a way to force him to fight in same cultivation

And at same cultivation realm Sun Yang considered himself as invincible master, sometimes being ignorance is really blessing

But still Mu Chen never planned to fight with Sun Yang at present condition, and Mu Chen just simply replied

"Fighting in same level can be done next time but for now I think you should think more about your future..."

As Mu Chen said that Sun Yang also noticed a change that made a frown over his face

He turned back in surprise and noticed both Bao Hu and Ye Hu streching their arms and legs with sharp and cold look over his face

"Acupuncture paralysis technique huh... What a complete newbie, dare to try such childish techniques and acting like being an expert..."

"Hey loser I seriously think you need to know about the clear difference between a winner and loser

A true man anyways keeps his words and for current case... I doubt if you are even a complete man...

And even above the matter of being a true man, aren't the orders of my master above all? Those who defy them should just simply die..."

Ye Hu said those words with that crazy look over her and before Sun Yang could even react Ye Hu had already arrived in front of his face with her short sword touching the face of Sun Yang coldly


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
